What does Masonry have to do with Satanism?
Not very
much. But the Yezidis certainly do. So what is your opinion of them? They are certainly ORGANIZED. And have
always been most effective when they are
Masons like
Albert Piker certainly had a few interesting ideas. Anyway, Jason, you're right
to note that sv evades the question here. Do you even have a clue?
Yes. As a
matter of fact I probably have a better clue than most. In spite of your bad manners, I will tell you a secret: Satan
is a principle of decay, of dissolution and dispersion. Organisation is a
principle of construction, of building. Satan is called variously 'The Lord of
misrule' and other similar epithets. If you cannot now see the contradiction in
terms then I am wasting my time.
Exactly why
I asked whether you're feeble brain was able to come up with something more
complex than one-dimensionality. Here you are STILL being one dimensional.
contradiction in terms is *too* obvious - because it is too simplistic. By your faulty reasoning, good
manners should be un-Satanic - for is not the purpose of etiquette to preserve
a sense of order?
isn't it? I specifically pointed out to the guy that he seemed to propound an
argument resting on something one dimesional, and asked him to take into
consideration a few other facts in order to reach a more nuanced picture. He
show himself unable. Brain damage?
Yes, Satan
is entropy. The recognition of this fact, however, has little if anything to do
with the organization of Satanic groups.
been said about a million times here on
alt.satanism, but I'll be happy to reiterate it: Entropy has nothing per se to
do with _rot_ or_decay_. Oh surely, if you take that steak out of your fridge
it will
begin to
rot, a process guided by entropy. However, entropy is also the very thing
holding you up, cf. the famous example of RUST/breathing. Entropy is a _guiding
force_ and as just said it e.g. more or less causes you to breathe in order to
oxidize the iron in your blood.
The purpose
of a Satanic organization is manifold - for one, it is simply a chance for
people of like minds to socialize. Furthermore, and most importantly, it
represents an opportunity for them to pool their resources, so as to achieve
greater results than any one of them could possibly achieve acting alone. In
fact, by working together, they could even increase "entropy" in the
world around them more powerfully than working alone. Of course, this isn't
really the point - entropy occurs whether or not we Satanists will it. The fact
I'm not
really sure I follow you here. The "entropy occurs whether or notwe
Satanists will it" is OK, but the "WORK TOWARDS MAKING THE ENTROPY WHICH
NATURALLY OCCURS WORK *FOR* US" seems to miss the point about entropy
A single
individual, acting alone, simply CANNOT perform the same level of work as a
group working together. This has ALWAYS BEEN the weakness of Satanism and
Satanists - we CAN'T GET OUR FUCKING ACT TOGETHER! Endless, useless debating
about the nature of decay, is ego good or bad, is Azathoth for real, can I make
someone's head explode if I wish for ithard enough... or "is Satanic
organization a contradiction in terms?" Of course it ISN'T! To assume
that, because the Dark Lord is the power of entropy, that we must somehow
emulate an omnipresent cosmic force is patently RIDICULOUS. We CAN NOT and we
SHOULD NOT TRY. The point is NOT to "be like Satan" - no one can do
such a thing. The point is to make use of Satan, to take advantage of It, to
avoid being destroyed by It...
OK, this is
more like it. There's two levels which we normally understand "Satan"
at: as the dark force in nature and as a symbol or archetype. The former cannot
"be emulated". Such a statement is simply nonsense. As an archetype
we can ask, however, "what would Satan have done here." What you are
in effect saying here is that the point is to take advantage of LIFE as it is
and avoid being destroyed (too early). Entropy is in and of you; it's all
around, permeating everything and guiding it. Entropy looks in many ways as
"the rules of the game."
and, so
far, the Satanic community has not shown itself very capable of doing ANY of
Not _as a
community_, but many Satanists have very much success applying Satanism in
their own lives. It shouldn't matter whether there was one or a million
Satanists: You should still be able to do well applying the philosophy of
Instead, we
spend out time running around wanting to be as... entropyish... as possible.
You really
need to get a grip of that "entropy" as I'm completely unable to see
how someone can "act entropyish". Might as well ask if someone is
trying to act "table-ish" or "car-ish". You don't act tableish
or carish, you just DEAL with the damn thing and make the best of it (by
sitting at the table on the chair and not like those Xtians who deny reality
and hence CAN NOT make any use of those
Of course,
serious Magic doesn't provide one with quite such a good armoury of weapons
with which to be outrageous; 'Oh look at me, I'm a Satanist. Aren't I a wicked
fellow' or 'I'm a Satanist, I'm _really_ bad' or 'Look at me, I'm a Satanist. I
wear black things (normally with big, conspicuous silver badges so everyone
knows how bad I am), and I look at you with big stary eyes'.
The above
description does not fit Hr. Vad, nor does it fit me. For the record, my normal
attire consists of shorts, a short-sleeved shirt, and a baseball cap.
Thanks for
noting it.
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