is nothing inherently wrong with fascism, given the nature and needs of the
average citizen... Now it's not so much a case of avoiding fascism, but of
replacing a screwed up, disjointed, fragmented and stupefying kind of fascism
with one that is more sensible and truly progressive."
- Anton
The inanity
of the Libertarianism at present being insinuated into American Satanism is
itself nothing but a product of the inanity of American "culture". It
is ironic that those Libertarians claiming to embrace "the deity of
rebellion" should themselves be conditioned results of the U.S. mass
education, entertainment and media System. Far from "rebelling",
these Libertarian-Satanists are simply parts of the status quo.
Libertarians have embarked on an anti-Fascist crusade. Their chief spokesman is
Jeffrey Deboo, editor of DARK REFLECTIONS, whose principle articles so far
dealing with what he sees as "the Fascist infiltration of Satanism"
(sic) are the widely reprinted "Nazism, Racism and Satanism", and
"Fascism and the Deity of Rebellion". The most notable thing about
his position is that it is based entirely on empty rhetoric, without the
wearisome need to resort to actual historic specifics. Erroneous Libertarian
assumptions are considered sufficient, in his delusional state, for
"Fascist Satanists" such as Michael Moynihan and myself to be awed by
his intellectual acumen.
Mr Deboo's
main point is that since Satan is the archetype of rebellion, his individualism
is antithetical to totalitarian ideologies such as Fascism. He contends that
"Fascist Satanists" such as myself would not be tolerated by Fascist
regimes. What Mr Deboo doesn't realize is that Fascism was founded by the
"individualists and eccentrics" he thinks he's championing. The first
fasci was established in Italy in 1918 by the Futurists led by Marinetti. The
latter went on to found the Fascist Party with Mussolini in 1919. Marinetti
became head of the Fascist Writer's Union, was elected to the Academy, and the
influence of Futurism on Fascism was maintained for the duration of the regime.
Marinetti and that other leading Italian eccentric and individualist D'Annunzio
regarded themselves - and were regarded by the regime - as the precursors of
avant-garde writers and artists such as those around Ezra Pound, Wyndham Lewis
and the Vorticist movement in England, supported Fascism as the defence against
the stupefying effects of democracy on culture. Ezra Pound in particular saw
Fascism as the opponent of plutocracy which he considered to be infecting all
forms of human activity. He was granted radio facilities by the Italian
Government to broadcast against plutocracy during the war. In contrast with the
Allied victory the Americans incarcerated him in an animal cage, after which he
was confined for years in a lunatic asylum, and denied literary awards solely
due to his politics.
What Mr
Deboo et al don't realize, because they have no political or historical
knowledge, is that the American Revolutionary War against England was of
precisely the same order as the War between the Axis and the Allies. Both were
fought over the issue of plutocracy.
Franklin wrote: "The Colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on
tea and other matters had it not been that England took away their money, which
created unemployment and dissatisfaction."
Franklin was referring to was the "Colonial Scrip" the colonies had
issued according to "the demands of trade and industry", without
recourse to the usury of private banking. The Bank of England replied by putting
through Parliament in 1764 an Act prohibiting the issue of Colonial Scrip. The
Scrip was devalued by 50%, and Franklin stated that within a year the streets
were filled with the unemployed. The American Founding Fathers in the
Constitution provided the Government with the prerogative to issue its own
credit. This right was undermined over the decades through various
mechanations, culminating in the Reserve Bank Act of 1913.
the Axis powers and Fascism generally, sought a system of "autarky",
or national economic self-sufficiency. The Fascist states gained prosperity
while the democracies under the thralldom of plutocracy suffered economic
depression until the War. Compare Franklin's statement with Hitler's in 1937:
"We have come to learn that the value of the currency lies in the capacity
of the nation." Additionally Germany pulled out of the world trade system
and instituted a system of bartering surplus products.
Mr Deboo,
despite his imagined adherence to the "deity of rebellion", condemns
one of the few epochal rebellions in history.
feature of Libertarian-Satanism is the misapplication of Darwinian evolutionary
principles to economics in what is called "Social Darwinism". The
latter was formulated by 19th C. Whig Liberalism to rationalize unrestrained
capitalism without the need to consider the consequences to the nation as a
whole. Contemporary Libertarian-Satanism is merely an attempt to revive the
corpse of 19th C. Whig Liberalism. It is a doctrine that has latterly been
tried without success in several countries including New Zealand.
Libertarian's "Social Darwinism" rests on a contempt for the
"mass" or "herd" as a supposed application of "Satanic
misanthropy" and "rational self-interest". The belief is that,
like a century ago, the superior will rise to the top while the rest can sink
or swim. This "Social Darwinism" is the misapplication of "the
survival of the fittest" to economics. This is held to be true eugenics in
operation, as opposed to Fascist eugenics which necessitates State
intervention. What the Libertarians do not recognize is that the social
organism is itself a collective survival unit. Altruism, which would be
considered most unSatanic, is in origin ultimately selfish, true "rational
self-interest", based on the principle, "you scratch my back; I'll
scratch yours." The individual organism enhances its own survival, and thus
the perpetuation of its genes, by subordinating itself to an organic social
order. This is precisely what Fascism implemented on a political level.
tendency among some American Satanists to be pre-occupied with their position
of superiority above "the herd", which they view with revulsion, is
reflected in their indignation at the prospect of any form of commitment to
anything wider than themselves. It is a view that prevailed among the petty
shop keepers and bankers in 19th C. England.
The result
was that an oligarchy grew prosperous while leaving the bulk of its fellow
citizens to rot, misapplying the new-found Darwinian theory as an intellectual
prop. Results of this Libertarian vision splendid included the relegation of
the unemployed to the work houses where families were seperated, where mothers
had to keep watch lest their babies' fingers were gnawed; where three year olds
worked in the pits.
"Satanist" writing in The Black Flame lauded the deportations to
Australia as a "Satanic" measure to rid England of its "human
locust" (sic). (Bradford de Rastrick, "Some Thoughts on Pentagonal
Revisionism" TBF Vol.5 #1 & 2).
Yet those
who were deported were the very individualists who had the courage and
initiative to organize labour unions, for eg (which surely made THEM the rebels
against the status quo) or those that stole some scrap in an effort to feed
their families. So far from Australia being the Establishmentarian
"Satanists eugenic dumping ground" for redundant humanity, the Australians,
in a collective Nietzschean effort of self-overcoming, soon developed a strong
sense of national identity (reflected at an early date in the Eureka rebellion,
for eg) and a uniquely Australian culture formed by such geniuses as the writer
Percy Stephenson (friend of Crowley's and a pro-Fascist) and the
Nietzschean/pagan painter Norman Lindsay.
Whig-Liberalism represented was a colossal waste of a nation's most valuable
resource, its citizens, because it eschewed any form of social organization and
national planning.
Libertarian-Satanists claim to advocate "meritocracy" via their
laissare faire sink-or-swim attitude. Yet because they are ignorant of
political and economical realities, they do not understand that there cannot be
even a semblence of meritocracy until such time as plutocracy is eliminated.
And that is precisely what Fascism did.
There can
be no meritocracy as long as the individual is constrained by the insecurity of
usurious mortgages and other interest rates on compound debt; or the
possibility of unemployment by unrestrained world trade, free credit movement
and transnational company relocations, over which he can have absolutely no
control, whatever his personal merits.
But any
attempt by the state to establish any form of social order is decried by the
Libertarians as tyranny and an intrusion on their delusionary
sought to harness its citizens to creative tasks. It gave each individual the
opportunity to fulfill their potential without recourse to egalitarian
fantasies. It enabled every citizen to be elevated culturally through
programmes such as "Strength Through Joy". The results were seen even
by avid anti-Nazis such as William Shirer who admitted that:
young in the Third Reich were growing up to have strong and healthy bodies,
faith in the future of their country and in themselves and a sense of fellowship
and comraderie that shattered all class and economic and social barriers. I
thought of that later, in the May days of 1940, when along the road between
Aachen and Brussels one saw the contrast between the German soldiers, bronzed
and clean-cut from a youth spent in the sunshine on an adequate diet, and the
first British war prisoners, with the hollow chests, round shoulders, pasty
complexions and bad teeth - tragic examples of the youth that England had
neglected so irresponsibly in the years between the wars."
It seems
clear enough, from actual results, what regime implemented genuine evolutionary
principles, true Social Darwinism.
In the
final analysis the difference between the Libertarian-Satanist and the
"Fascist-Satanists" are fundamental: the former see Satanism as
nothing more than rampant individualism to the point of trivialising life
itself; the latter see Satanism as a Nietzschean/Faustian imperative towards
continuing human ascent - both biological and cultural.
Appeared in
Key of Alocer #5
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