Friday, 5 April 2019

SATAN IS DEAD - Messianic Obsolescence and Materialism

By Fraternitas Loki

Few writers and philosophers have spoke with such aeonic insight than Friedrich Nietzsche who in an age when to have such thoughts let alone speak them was truly individual and heretical, proclaimed that "God was dead". Now, the best part of a century since, after successive forms of occultic (and largely puerile) manifestation of it the recognition that Satan is also dead is long overdue, if we are not to be bound and thus regress by cyclical/repetitious obsession rather than spiral striving.

It is said with just a little sadness, for all truth and wisdom intimates the sadness that reality (that is the evolutionary imperative) is beyond our own individuality, that one must say that Satanism is obsolete as is most forms of magick, paganism and the occult. Whilst the latter three have much to offer the unfolding of the science of the Folk and its manifestations in aeons and civilizations as evolving organisms because of the traditions they entail with regards to the experience and striving of countless ancestral generations who continued to express the innate spirit of their founding, the former (for all it's self-vaunted and vacuous elitism and self-hypnotic promotion) was nothing more than a brief experiment in a causal moment - for those who know. Those who fail to see this are completely unaware of the real meaning of so-called satanism.

We are not talking here even of the devout satanic churches and groups which emerged in and after the Crowley days (mainly in the United States of America, which due to its cultural and racial bastardisation and homogenisation is constantly throbbing with the need to "save the world" via some, usually, superficial eclectic concoction, which quickly declines into religious and thereby ephemeral fashion) and those writers who created various satanic bibles, covens etc and fulfilled the role of a brief distraction whilst deeper work was enacted elsewhere in society (although the fact that they mistakenly chose and thence got so carried away with dead forms and largely judaic forms, weakened the value of their role). With only one or two exceptions, they missed the point of exploiting a heresy manipulated and imposed for millenia by the establishment.

Rather, of the serious "satanic" eruption from England that actually brought a breath of fresh air and was a real accuser. It served its purpose, as chosen by its progenitors; played its role and now it has returned to become reborn in another form.

Sadly this breath of fresh air itself has become contaminated, by the mixing of the two forms which has now been swallowed by the disease of individualism, ego and fashion: a teenage culture has been born replete with hackneyed weaponry and ceremonial face paint, church burning, pseudo rituals and legions of grand masters: my, Jehovah must be really trembling! Meanwhile those who are supposedly serious cry foul because they have been refused the right to do as they wish with material created by others: "me a satanic priest, how dare you tell me what to do on the Internet", rather than attempt to understand why the material was made public initially and why, now, it is to be disseminated in a different manner for a variant purpose.

History itself should teach us something. In this context it has not. For the outer form has been seized upon as the thing itself, as opposed to it being a merely a role or process for something far more. In that respect, all true manifestations of heresy (in whatever form: politics, art, music, science etc) should fulfill the destiny of the Folk - not by the outer noises it makes and the adherents it attracts, but by the real changes it causes in the being of those few who are capable of dedicating their lives to something beyond themselves and thus taking the heresy further and, via their roles, causing a shift in the fabric of the aeon - as a comrade recently put it like a sapling growing in the shadow of a rotting tree.

But the plain fact is that it is the perpetual mistake of promulgators of the Old Aeon in whatever form (occultic, political and religious), to sense symbols in terms of "answers" rather than as "keys" to the progression of the Aeon and the unleashing of the New Order after Ragnarok. This is just as true of the plethora of pseudo-masters currently proliferating: satanic, pagan, national socialist and their assorted precious coteries. They fester, unaware that the keys are a challenge, for further and painful change. Hence the tradition in Fraternitas Loki and in the Order of Nine Angles to use and then dispose of roles, to live with total conviction a mission or task and then move on (in the event that something useful or unique or of use to the overall aeonic initiative is created then a disciple or comrade or sub-group will be found or created to further presence that initiative as part of a subsequent role). Change once apprehended in the purging of the self, is then applied to a practical achievment in society: without noisy fanfares usually. After all a real magickian does not look like a magickian. A good wine speaks for itself. This is not to presuppose that, in the judeo-christian-satanic sense, the role is a game for the delight of the ego which has "joined the elite".

We see this delusion all around us with these so called "aristocrats", "grand masters", "warriors", "priests", "adepts" et al ad nauseum: roll-up, roll-up, book your tickets now for The Abyss is very overpopulated with every kind of phoney. Anyone worth his salt would not accept the title of Grand Master or even Master or Priest or whatever, at least not in any public context (and only in the private working of a lodge where the title merely denotes a function of duty and service for the work to be done), as is now the case in the myriad of zines and "Aryan aristocratic satanic heathenish" orders: AIDS of the mind, for like acquired immune deficiency syndrome it too is caused by an over-indulgence, infantile arrogance and egotism concerning so called individualism.

There was a time when children acted out in their learning games the role models of their ancestors, great heroes and achievers of their race and civilization. Now, overfed, overpaid, overnurtured with egotism by the materialist system they so despise (apparently), like puppets they are manipulated into turning their warped childhood into supposed "rebellions": after collecting their dole money or educational grant from the State, or their pocket money from moma and papa, or their advance from any minor producer wily enough to suck them dry; even their acts of rebellion are nothing more than premature ejaculations: anything from occasionally burning the ancient stave church, to cemetary grafitti and parading jackboots. Well, it makes someone some money somewhere. Sadly, so much energy is wasted acting out for The System the "evil" image it created. The Nazarene Barbarian Church stole the traditions of The Folk; what it could not absorb was turned into their own perverse fantasies: Cernunnos=Satan.

So what of the great spirit of the new aeon supposedly guiding these wanna-be's? Empty. Worse than that, neurotic inverts. The fact is that no amount of "sinister" intellectual argument about the origin of the name Satan as Greek for the accuser borrowed by the Jews will hide the fact that the entirety of satanism rife today is a mere reverberation of that initial expropriation by the enemies of the Folk. Take a look at the average satanist: any honour, vitality, health, elan? doing anything at all beyond the role (which should cause inner change) other than as an ego-crutch which centuries of cultural indoctrination has seeded? begun the long slow and painful task towards individuation? good manners, bearing, integrity, industry, and a calm self-effacing mien with self-honesty and striving triumph over self-importance, dogma, petty-territorialism? No. Yet more dualism dressed up in various forms of decadent pandering to the ego.

Nothing new is actually offered by these masters and groups. A few manuscripts, a couple of rituals, the first game of playing with someone else's mind and they have been hooked: like that first cigarette or that first snort of coke; they haven't broken away from The System; rather it has massaged their ego. Satanic or national-socialist masturbation then follows in whatever the current "in thing" happens to be. The music scene for example is redolent of the decadence of society itself: one label after another, each as doctrinaire and cliquish as its predecessor. Given a choice any self-respecting aeonic traveller of The Path would rather have a Zulu warrior or a fundamentalist preacher for company than these banal parrots, running around comatose in priapic obsession, for them puberty is a lifetime disease.

Those falling into the trap are self evident. Those that are truly committed to self evolution rarely disagree, for there is already an inner calm and a willingness to meet like gentlemen, rather than to score a point: instinctively the evolving individual knows his fellow traveller, the real heretic. F.L. has found this to be the case with its comrades in its own ranks and other groups over the years.

As with the outpourings of the universalist culture and its politically correct perversions, the whole issue of the satanic dialectic (or to use more European forms Thorian, Lokian or Faustian imperative), is now distorted by kiddy wannabe's: a little knowledge is dangerous and combined with the technological toys The System has so conveniently supplied them with, these teeny and miasmic Black Popes, Masters and Priests hold forth on the Internet, or in countless zines, and in the most dire and un-Aryan cacophonic obscenities masquerading as music - by comparison one would be grateful for the primal close-harmonies of the most primitive of African tribes. Take their toys away and they are nothing. They have not lived. Neither will they. They haven't even the time or courage to get a real job, live in the real world, see a task through, or attempt to apprentice themselves to a master craftsmen: no, because they are instant aristocratic adepts - but of course! Get your candy wand out and read the holy quaballah and googachoo grimoire baby.

It rather calls to mind all those revolutionaries of the late 1960's and early 1970's: it is interesting to note that the most radical of them, who were screaming for the blood of the borgeois police, judges and industrialists, are now usually to be found as executives in the big corporations, with the usual palatial split-level detached's, BMW, pool, 2nd home, and a little business on the side.

Few have the currency of their conviction. Even fewer step outside of The System or can stomach the years of privation to engage in in the long process of knowledge in practical that can lead, or perhaps even in this lifetime, to individuation and self-mastery and even a contribution to the creative minority. For it is through this kindless winterland of struggle and growth, creating and changing self and others as one goes, that each crisis and watershed helps trigger a ripple in the causal fabric, and a fertile ground is sown for our successors, who may (or may not) recollect us.

How far the West has fallen; how easily each new generation falls prey to that mind-set of the infection is seen in one of its creations: linear time, which has so effectively enslaved not only the Europeans but every race upon which its bestial conversions were fulminated. It is even seen in the most serious of Odinists: for years they have laboured under the judeo-christain delusion that the triumph of the Thurses and the forces of chaos and the Twilight of the Gods was some sort of failure or a lesson of "avoidance", rather than the procession of the aeons.

It is hard for anyone, who having first tasted the waxing of greater insight in this life, to realise that we are part of something more important than ourselves. That we must experience and master this process of collapse and destruction, within us.
"What saith the wise man? Vanity of vanities: all is vanity."

Loki's presence told Odin he was doomed. This did not weaken his vitality nor his involvement in the cycle. And Balder's death was nothing to do with some overtly benevolence. His "goodness" was a steely determination not to become involved and muddied in what for him will be a passing phase of that Aeon to precede the one he will rule: it is as if his participation in the Asgardian Age was just a portent.

This lesson must be learnt well by all who journey into Fraternitas Loki. It is not for those who will play at life or take destiny lightly or allow ego to condition the work at hand. The Vikings had this sadness embedded in their ethos: we live, we die, there is no safe haven or happy pill of eternity - except for the sure knowledge that we will have sent a clear and eternal message throughout all time of our contribution to totality and evolution; we have played the game and yielded our potential before gods and men.

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