By Quint Kalkier
former American branch of the Black Order of Pan-Europa has changed its name to
the White Order. The primary interest of the leadership in doing so was simply
to distinguish itself from the international Black Order, from which it had
broken for politico-ideological reasons. However, this particular change of
names also involved a shift in spiritual perspective and values, as a
significant part of the membership so desired it.
Order that's White in spirit as well as in the flesh is built on ancient
foundations. its usages are not arbitrary human constructs, but universal and
eternal forms that have guided the race since its first appearance on this
planet. For example, the traditional system of initiatory degrees is based on the ten fundamental spheres of energy, determined by the
seven major chakras in the body plus three supracorporeal regions that lie
beyond. These are shown on the cover in the chart from the book NOS by Miguel
Serrano, with the exception of the tenth and highest--possibly because it's
often considered so ineffable that it's beyond all human efforts to depict
chart is adequate, however, to explain the true, metaphysical derivation of
White and Black Orders, and their actual relation to each other. I myself use
the term "Ultrasphere" for the ninth center, designated
"Elella" and "Nos" by Serrano; and the "black hole"
or Void separating this from the seven spheres of the rest of creation is
called the Abyss in many schools.
interpretation of the "Black Order" is that it is composed of souls
who have plunged or fallen into the Abyss and failed to make it across. Thus
they become trapped in this Void of Spirit, believing that existence is
meaningless; they are lost souls stripped of identity and purpose, wandering in
the Abyss indefinitely, and perhaps eternally.
true and timeless White Order has its foundation in the ground of being in the
Ultrasphere across the Abyss. This is the ultimate source of life, light, and
identity. This is what empowers the
Order to accomplish the positive ends of universal destiny, called Dharma, and
guarantees salvation, success, and victory to any individual or temporal
grouping that permanently aligns itself with this mission. The strictures for
the alignment are rigorous, being determined not by human will but by the
natural operations of the cosmos. In any process or undertaking in the material
world, the Dharma must be adhered to every step of the way.
task of the White Order in the present day is formidable: to save the race and
the species from its headlong planetary plunge into the Abyss. In order to do
this, the vast instrumentality of evil that now dominates the Earth must be
overthrown and destroyed. This is specifically the job of the Black Order, in
its proper role as an arm and subsidiary of the White. The danger is that the
raw primal fury and violence necessary for this task will escape the bounds of
the Dharma and sweep all before it, and bring about the very doom it was
intended to prevent. Adepts of the White Order know that even bloody revolution
and world-scale war can be carried through in ways that do not violate the Dharma
(q.v. "The Second Coming of Q"), and their task here is to see that
it's done in this way.
of the peculiarities of the dark headset of the Movement is a tendency to
idealize Hitler and romanticize the Third Reich. This leads into the kind of
absurdities that are possible only in the context of a collective fantasy. The
mainstream culture demonizes the Nazis as the evilest gang of dastards in
history, and even considering the massive distortions inflicted on the
historical record since the war, it's still very bizarre to encounter people
who seriously believe that the Fuhrer and his crew did no wrong at all, but
were flawless paragons of the purest and noblest Aryan virtue.
case can be made that the spiritual impulse in turn-of-the-century Germany
exemplified by the Germanenorden and Thule Gesselschaft was a true
manifestation of the White Order, and that their invokation of a German Avatar
was the high magic (Magia) which called forth Adolf Hitler onto the stage of
history. But even if this were so, the catastrophic fate of the Reich leaves no
doubt that at some point in the operation the Black Order attained dominance
over the White. This inversion of power may have taken place right at the very
beginning, but it was certainly manifest by the time that Hitler threw the
Thuleans into concentration camps. It's abundantly clear that the Dharma was
violated at all levels of the leadership.
possibility is that there was a larger Dharma involved in the disaster. Perhaps
the Third Reich and World War II were necessary stages of an even vaster drama
that must be played out in order to bring the age to its necessary conclusion,
and lead to the ultimate apotheosis of the race and of the forces of Light.
Perhaps Hitler was sent to Earth to lose the war on purpose, because this was
the only way to prepare the eventual victory. Perhaps.
any event, another valuable lesson provided by the failure of the Reich is the
inadequacy of its attempt to revive the low magic of the past as a foundation
for the future. The current Aryanist subculture generates endless debate on the
question of why Odinism was driven into extinction by Christianity in the
Middle Ages, but none of this often heated speculation ever hits the mark.
Beneath all the military, racial, and cultural elements is the fact that
Christianity was a high religion while Odinism was not, and hence Christianity
was metaphysically more powerful. So it was that a bastardized but high alien
creed was able to overcome the forces of the native Aryan low religion. And it
will do so again and again, whenever two such forces come into conflict.
what's the distinction between high and low religion? The same as that between
high and low magic: the doctrines and practices of high religion originate from
Across the Abyss. Even when the usages of any such religion become corrupt and
fall away from their high origin, they still retain a large measure of the
metaphysical force accruing from it.
only hope for the children of the Northern peoples to collectively cross the
Abyss and find their Dharma is by means of an Aryan high religion. And even if
there has not been one in physical manifestation for a thousand years, it's yet
possible for this to change, because the transmission-chain of White Order
initiates has remained unbroken for much, much longer than this. When the times
and the seasons are ripe, the thrice-ancient teachings and magics will reappear
and seem new to those who live at the tail end of millennia. And thus we can
hope for light in the darkest hour.
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