Saturday, 16 March 2019

Occultism and National-Socialism (Part III)

By David Myatt 

III - Cosmic Reich
What do you think was the esoteric current behind the Third Reich and Hitler/the NSDAP? Did this derive from an ancient tradition, or was it of fairly recent origin via Thule, for example?

Basically, and as I mentioned in my The Enlightenment of National-Socialism, Adolf Hitler was a means whereby the cosmos restored the balance that had been lost. By creating the National-Socialist movement and by creating the Third Reich, Adolf Hitler gave us as Aryans the means to achieve that balance without which our further evolution, as Aryans, is impossible. In brief, he restored us to our unique racial psyche. Furthermore, he revealed the Destiny of our whole human species, and made that Destiny possible. That is, he revealed the truths about race, racial ethos and culture, individual excellence, and triumphing over adversity through using our will to change ourselves for the better.

He did this naturally, not mystically. That is, he was in a profound way supra-human and self-contained: the cosmos in evolution and being made manifest in an individual. I do not mean this in a 'theological' sense, but in a naturalistic way: he was what most of us have the potential to become; a more highly evolved being. What existed, esoterically or otherwise, before his emergence is now irrelevant - he himself, and his movement, are the esoteric  current of our times and of the next Aeon. He relied on no previous esoteric current, and was not part of any - he was and is the current. This was why esoteric groups, including Thule, were banned in the Third Reich - they were not necessary, were irrelevant or were detrimental to the energies National-Socialism had unleashed and was using to re-shape us and the cosmos. In some ways, Thule helped prepare the way for Adolf Hitler - with his emergence, Thule was no longer necessary. The various NS organizations, such as the SS, became the practical means to achieve the transformations necessary. What has not even now been understood, except by a very few, is that National-Socialism was and is a practical alchemy which can achieve the goal that all genuine 'esoteric' groups seek to achieve: a new, higher, being. Moreover, and importantly, National-Socialism seeks to and can make this goal real for the majority, not just a select few.

I can only repeat that all esoteric groups which existed before Adolf Hitler are either now irrelevant, or, if they still exist, are now detrimental to future development: to the creation of higher beings. The only significant and important esoteric groups which now exist are those which, understanding the cosmic importance of Adolf Hitler, covertly or otherwise prepare the way for, and encourage, the future triumph of National-Socialism and 'esoteric Hitlerism'. Notice I did not restrict myself to mentioning 'Aryan' esoteric groups, for ultimately National-Socialism will enable our evolution as a whole species, as I have briefly explained in The Enlightenment of National-Socialism. Considering the archetypal scope of NS and Hitler, do you consider that the persecution and hatred directed against these might actually be empowering them psychically? And, in general, if persecution actually serves to empower its target, could this not also be said for overt opposition to, for example, Christianity and Zionism? If correct, how can this paradox be resolved? Persecution and hatred only empower up to a point. The energies so produced are limited, and beyond that point become destructive. What is archetypal needs to be made real; the psychic model which exists in people's psyche needs to be constructed in real life, 'in the world', and this means numinous energy. In its birth-time, and for a while afterwards, a new archetype can be empowered by persecution and hatred - but to thrive, to grow, to affect a multitude, to become real, it has to receive this numinous energy.

This, however, arises naturally from those 'touched' by the archetype, and whose lives and actions further empower it. In a sense, it is a symbiotic relationship, a coming-together of two types of being, an archetypal one, not bound by causal space-time, and a 'human' being, living in causal space-time. The archetype gives strength, balance and 'wholeness' to individuals - and yet it itself becomes strengthened by this bond.

Few people really understand archetypes. They are living - they are born, they flourish, and they die. They are not an 'intellectual abstraction' for people to pretend to understand and try to use. Neither are they mystical in the sense of being 'incomprehensible'.

After the banning of esoteric groups by the Third Reich, what occult influence continued to impact upon the Third Reich, and did it have tangible organizational form? Who were its principal exponents?

There was no occult influence - for Adolf Hitler and the National-Socialist movement expressed all that was necessary, with the various National-Socialist organizations giving tangible form to the evolutionary energies which Adolf Hitler unleashed and controlled. What needs to be understood is that all these various organizations were necessary for the correct balance to be achieved and thus a numinous society, or State, created. National-Socialist Germany was more than just another State - it was the first time, in the history of our evolution as a species, that a State-form was used in an evolutionary way. Indeed, a new form was thereby created, and this form is so revolutionary, so crucial for our future as a species and as 'thinking-beings', that its importance cannot at this time be over-estimated.

There has been a tendency to try and identify the SS as the most important 'esoteric-type' organization of the Reich - as some sort of 'mystical' organization which embodied the principles of National-Socialism in a higher form. This tendency shows a basic mis-understanding of National-Socialism,
the SS itself, and in particular what National-Socialist Germany was. The SS was a warrior organization, with an Aryan warrior ethos, and as such exemplified some of the highest Aryan ideals. It was also intended to be archetypal - creating its own traditions, and bringing about, partly through the test of combat, the development of higher beings. But other organizations embodied other Aryan ideals, and all of them together were necessary and vital for a healthy, balanced society to be achieved. The SS was a vital and necessary part of the practical organic whole that was National Socialist Germany.

Were Hitler and others such as the mystically-inclined Hess and Himmler fully conscious themselves of their Aeonic roles, and perhaps even of their fated Destiny?

Adolf Hitler and Rudolf Hess certainly were aware of these things. Hess himself wrote, in 57 yf, after the victorious allies had hanged eleven Germans at Nuremberg: "What the death of these Eleven will one day mean, but few today can suspect, much less can I write about. We are standing on the threshold of a great new age. What we are all going through are its birthpangs. Everything seems negative - yet despite it all, the time is coming when something new and great will be born."

How do you perceive the Third Reich and its defeat in Aeonic terms? Was it a premature experiment for something that did not belong to this Aeon - or perhaps the seeding for something centuries hence that was required to be established in this century in order to work itself upon future centuries?

The Third Reich - or as I prefer to call it, the first National-Socialist Reich - was a prelude to what might yet be. Its destruction, and the immolation of Adolf Hitler, provide us with the inspiration we must have to continue our upward development by creating a practical means, such as a State, which enables us to achieve this evolutionary development. Because of the work of Adolf Hitler and his German followers, because of the destruction of this work by our racial enemies, we have the weapons we must have in order to secure a future for ourselves and our race. We also now have the tools to build a new civilization greater than any existing hitherto. But this future and this new and higher civilized are not inevitable because of these things - they are not fated to be. Whether they will be, depends on us; on whether we pick up those weapons and those tools, and on how we use them.

Adolf Hitler has left us a great legacy. We can either use that legacy, and so achieve greatness; or we can ignore that legacy, and so choose doom as a race. If we as a race reject this legacy, we deserve to perish. We either survive, flourish and create new civilizations; or we endure oppression, and gradually die out. Using this legacy, it is possible for us, or our descendants, to win back our freedom, and so create another National-Socialist Reich, within twenty to fifty years from now. If this is not done - because we or our descendants prefer oppression and self-indulgence - then this legacy can still be used by others some time in the future to create a new Reich, provided of course there are still pure Aryans around then. But unless we act soon, the one great possibility which awaits - and which will secure civilization forever - will be postponed and may never arise again. I refer of course to a Galactic Empire. We are uniquely placed, given our Thorian technology and our understanding, to
begin the process which will ensure the creation of this Empire. But if this is not done soon - if there is a long period of Zionist oppression, an interregnum - then this will no longer be feasible for many, many centuries; and may indeed  never be feasible again, even if sufficient Aryans survive. This will be so because during this interregnum the Thorian ethos will decline and die, as will the technology which exemplifies that ethos. It would probably be over a millennia before the same level is reached again.

As a principal postwar philosopher of NS you seem to be the first to have given a star-bound vision to NS. Your vision is of mankind's evolution toward 'Homo Galactica' and a Galactic Empire. When and how did these concepts begin to take shape? What were the formative influences on it, and were there any philosophical or scientific precursors to you?

Ever since I was twelve or thirteen years of age I have known that our ultimate Destiny lies in the exploration and conquest of Outer Space. Since those years, the prospect has excited and intrigued me - as it excites and intrigues many young people. It was this which led me to study Physics and join a scientific society dedicated to encouraging Space travel. Like millions of others, I sat for hours on end to watch the live television broadcasts of the first human ever to walk on the surface of the moon. But I was also aware, at that time, that only a certain type of society could pursue and make real this ultimate Destiny - that it needed a new type of person, and a society dedicated to something more than self-gratification and materialism. What was needed was a society composed of noble individuals who strove to work together for the common good and who were ennobled by pursuing idealistic goals such as exploration and conquest.

When I first learned of the existence of National-Socialist Germany, at the age of fifteen, I knew intuitively that here was the type of society that was needed - or at least a prototype for it. And it was this knowledge, and my understanding of National-Socialism, which above anything else inspired me to become active in politics and forsake my dream of becoming a Physicist and finding some means to travel between the stars. I wanted and yearned to create the only type of society which could make this noble and glorious Destiny real. To me, the exploration and conquest of Outer Space - the creation of a Galactic Empire - is the ultimate practical expression of National-Socialism. It is our unique Destiny as a race - and our opportunity to achieve this is here, now, given our technology, our inventiveness, our heroism.

I hate the enemies of National-Socialism because I know that they are stifling and trying to destroy the heroic noble spirit of exploration and conquest which lives within our hearts and which alone raises us up out of the squalid mire of barbarism and selfish materialism. These enemies are trying - with their vapid materialism, their neurotic guilt, their obsession with sex - to kill our dreams.

They are trying to destroy what makes us unique and human. I have written and said what I have written and said about the Galactic Empire and National-Socialism because I feel these things deep within my own being. As to there being any philosophical or scientific precursors to this, I do not know.

Since you also write of NS as being a philosophy of BALANCE - re-atuning the individual and the folkish community to Nature - how can such a balance be maintained in the pursuit of a Galactic Empire which would obviously require a far more technological and scientific orientated society than at present? National-Socialism is harmonious, and thus a philosophy of balance, because it seeks to create a society, or a way of living, where the two things necessary for both health and advancement exist together, without conflict. Indeed, National-Socialism is so special, and so important for us, because it alone expresses how this can be done. To be fully healthy, as individuals, we need a harmonious, beautiful, environment, a sense of belonging and a sense of purpose. These things mean Blood and Soil - an awareness of our heritage, our place 'in the scheme of things'; an awareness of our duties and responsibilities toward our folk-community and our race. Blood and Soil also mean a sense of belonging: a homeland; somewhere special for us, where we belong. But to advance, to evolve, we need change, challenges, a spirit of adventure. Otherwise there is stagnation and decay. Change means growth, and technology. A society is organic and healthy if it preserves what is best, and yet allows for growth, change and expansion. That is, there is a controlled balance maintained between Blood and Soil and Conquest and Exploration. What maintains this balance is a conscious awareness - an understanding that both are necessary and vital for a society to function properly and evolve naturally, in accordance with Nature.

National-Socialism accepts that individuals should fulfill the role which is suited to their character, talents and abilities, and it aims to create the type of society where individuals can make the best use of their talents and abilities. That is, National-Socialism values personal character, as it accepts that some people are suited to say, farming and husbandry, while others are more suited to scientific work, or being a warrior. What matters is that the work an individual does is respected; that all types of work are seen as dignified and necessary for the good of the whole society.

National-Socialism aims to harness and control growth and technology for the good of the folk, as it aims to preserve what is essential for individual health, what is essential for producing healthy children: Blood and Soil. By creating a healthy environment - and thus healthy children - by controlling and harnessing growth and technology, and by using these to pursue an idealistic noble goal such as the creation of a Galactic Empire, a real, conscious, balance can be created, for the first time in our conscious evolution. Further, because National-Socialism is a conscious expression of the wisdom of thousands of years of civilization, its organizations and structures aim to produce individuals of noble character, who can accept responsibility, who have judgement and who are instinctively wise. It is these individuals who can ensure such a balance is created and maintained.

Will there ever be a danger of stagnation and decay in the New Aeon as in all previous Aeons and their civilizations, or will the Galactic scope of the New Aeon give in an enduring (even eternal) quality that is unique to it? Once the Galactic Empire becomes real, with colonization of other star-systems, then a natural divergence will take place, and new, unique, civilizations arise. Each world, each outpost, as it developes, will go through cycles of change; some will evolve; some will decay with new life emerging from such decay. Providing such stellar seeding, such conquest of otherworlds, continues, so will this Aeon. But there will probably come a time when even this forward movement ceases, and decay and stagnation set in, with the structure of such an Empire collapsing. Then other aeons [plural] will emerge, in different places, and at different times.

- Published by Reichsfolk

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