(In Theory & Formula)
The primary objective of the Vitki initiate of the Odian Path (Thorsson, 1987) is union with the massive god of titanic power and spiritual vitality. This union is actualized by undergoing a systematic and rigorous training in self-discipline (so that a wholly new way of living is realized), a sharpening of the psychic faculties, and the induction into secret knowledge by the All-Father, the dark god Odin.
The methods for success elucidated by advanced practitioners to achieve unity with Odin are as varied and personal as the Vitki initiates who arrange the runes and activate the formulas of the god. But by whatever means may be used to attain initiation, the crepuscular path of Odin is, though one of expediency, fraught with danger. The aspiring Vitki initiate who by natural inclination seeks only what is known and proven safe is deficient in the requisite strength and spirit for success and is no more worthy of union with All-Father than a willing thrall. The danger is present when the aspirant attempts, often repeatedly, fusion of the light of limited personal consciousness with the darkness of unlimited Odinic Unconsciousness to reach transcendent awakening. This transcendent awakening can be described as an unlimited awareness and is effected either by magical ecstasy, trance (magnetic sleep), or unexpected and severe shock to the aspiring candidate, hence, the path’s danger.
How is this possible? Edred Thorsson, in his book on esoteric runeology entitled Runelore, informs his readers that each person who is a descendent of Odin may gain access to his wisdom, power, and spirituality, all precursors to perfection of union with All-Father, by enthusiastic ritual action in highly charged ceremonies (Thorsson, 1987, Adams, 2009). Another, less strenuous, method for accessing the dimension of Odin is the inspired reading (i.e., internalizing). When a Vitki initiate repeatedly recites (“invoke often”) a passage from the Edda, the Runesong of the Havamal, for example, a psychic connection is made with every person who has ever read the same stanzas. This string of connection, this silver chain of built-up spiritual inspiration, acts as a font of psychic energy charging the auric atmosphere of the practitioner. By internalizing the passage, or even the name of the god itself, will activate the same spiritual state that the inspired poet was in when laying the poems down for posterity. This allows access to the dimension of Odin. The Runesong of the Havamal is perhaps the single most potent magical formula for the conveyance over the Bifrost bridge of waking consciousness to higher consciousness and beyond to Unconsciousness wherein lies the unconditioned powers of all-potential. The degrees of awakening attainable to the aspirant is commensurate with the progress made in the CROSSING. The remainder of this piece will be devoted to covering some of the ideas and evidences behind the crossing over to the darkside of the World Tree Yggdrasil.
The noumenal basis of the creative forces (the gods through their goddesses) of the lightside or manifest side of the World Tree Yggdrasil is the All-Father Odin. Odin is the potent interface of the two dimensions, those of spacetime and Non-Being beyond it. This logoic deity is paradoxically one of the darkest figures gracing the poems and sagas of the ancient Nordic peoples. The deeper one penetrates the fathomless pool of the god the darker it becomes. Odin’s dark aspect should not be understood as evil in the Christian sense of the word (the aspirant of the Odian Path must first and foremost abandon conventional morality and liberate self as much as is possible from the Christian old-line paradigm), though it is true that he is by no means beyond exhibiting antinomian behavior better suited to a trickster giant like Loki whose primary function in the worlds of the gods is stirring up strife and creating hardships for them to overcome, a contribution that keeps them awake and progressing, in the sense of spiritual evolution, against the ever-present tug of entropy. The dimension to which Odin gives accessibilty, called Ginnungagap, is thought dark because, like the god himself, it is hidden and unknown (to many). The dimensional substratum of all existence on this side of the World Tree, be it spiritual and dynamic or material and fixed, in many metaphysical systems is explained to be Absolute Consciousness, the One Realty. In the Edda, this ambit of magically charged supersensuous substance, symbolized by the steed Sleipnir, is as previously mentioned, Ginnungagap; and from the point of view of ego¬centric consciousness is unconscious. This is the silent dimension in which Odin self-generated. Wagner, in Asgard and the Gods, says of Ginnungagap and the self-generated god:
“In the beginning there
was a great abyss [Chaos] , neither day nor night existed. The abyss was
Ginnungagap, the yawning gulf without beginning, without end.
All-Father, the Uncreated, the Unseen, dwelt in the depth of the Abyss
[Space], and willed, and what he willed came into being. (Wagner, 1887)
“This was when darkness still reigned
throughout Space, when the Aesir, the creative Powers (Dhyani-Chohans)
were not evolved, and the Ygqdrasil, the tree of the Universe of Time
and of Life, had not yet grown…” (Blavatsky, 1888)
Odin’s capacity, as the initiatory catalyst of transfinite awakening, is a central one. The Great Ordeal on the tree of crossing (over to Non- Being) forms a channel from the boundless depths of Unconsciousness to the Consciousness underlying the Universe, the manifest side of Yggdrasil, and the individual mind of the Vitki aspirant. Frontier science is beginning to intimate the existence of this numenal substratum out of which arises the phenomena of life, light, spacetime, and is formulating some sense of it:
“…[M]ore and more scientists are coming to
the conclusion that the level of quanta and of spacetime itself, is not
the ultimate level in the universe. There is also a level below quanta
and spacetime, a level from which spacetime and the quanta that populate
it have emerged.” (Laszlo, 2008)
The tree and the cross are identical. Both Adepts of the Right- and Left-Hand Paths were called Trees long before the cults of the carnal Christ degraded the symbol to mere phallicism. Odin All-Father crucified on the Tree/Cross of Initiation is the archetypal Man and Grand Initiator. He is Ofner (“Opener”) and Svafner (“Closer”) of the Way of the Tree (i.e., initiation) and carries the appellation “The Maligned” (Ropt) by the one-victors who fail to meet the spiritual requirements exemplified in Odin, refused initiation and were turned away by him. (Adams, 2007) Odin’s Ordeal on Yggdrasil opened the way for the Vitki aspirant, who is Yggdrasil/Odin writ small, to enter the plane of spiritual transformation inaugurated by his sacrifice. Odin’s Ordeal should be memorized, preferably in Icelandic, so to incise its psychic power on the plastic universe within the personal subconscious mind. The Ordeal:
I ween that I hung on the windy tree,
Hung there for nights full nine;
With the spear I was wounded, and offered I was To Odin, myself to myself,
On the tree that none may ever know What root beneath it runs.
None made me happy with loaf or horn,
And there below I looked;
I took up the runes, shrieking I took them,
And forthwith back I fell.
(Hovamol, Bellows, 1936)
Hung there for nights full nine;
With the spear I was wounded, and offered I was To Odin, myself to myself,
On the tree that none may ever know What root beneath it runs.
None made me happy with loaf or horn,
And there below I looked;
I took up the runes, shrieking I took them,
And forthwith back I fell.
(Hovamol, Bellows, 1936)
With theory and some formula expounded, the Vitki aspirant may feel the Need to pursue the Odian Path and will want effective exercises.
One method for opening the gate to the Unconsciousness is astral projection. Much has been written about astral projection and the astral world. A plethora of exercises purporting to give one access to the astral Plane (wherein the personal consciousness moves in the active imagination) are published and available at the nearest Occult New Age store. The greater the complexity of the exercise to free the hamr from the physical body is offered, the louder its efficacity is touted. This is by design! The motive being an obvious one – to sell books to the credulous dilettante. Astral projection can be a difficult practice for those whose constitution is not naturally a loose one. However, with perseverance and some, if necessary, preparatory exercises (e.g., a few days of total abstinence from food, imbibing water only; deprivation of sleep, hyperventilation, etc.), the projection of the hamr is possible.
The hamr is the sensuous body of the spirit (consciousness) and is an exact model of the physical body in both form and size. The hamr is what is used to join with Odin (higher consciousness) hanging on Yggdrasil just before the FALL. The practical formula is as follows: Prepare the atmosphere wherein the work will be done by lighting blue candles. This is for aesthetics just before you close your eyes and begin. Light incense. The ideal incense is a fragrance which gives the sensation of easiness and lightness of the body and feelings. This will be a personal choice. Once these preparatory exercises are ready, sit down and simply take in the atmosphere for a few minutes then lie down on a comfortable couch or padded floor (the lights should be out, but this is not necessary). Begin by totally relaxing the entire body, working from the feet on up to the arms, neck and head. It is sometimes effective to contract the muscle where focus is on and then release it. Take however long is needed to get into a relaxed state. Once relaxed, focus attention on the hamr within the body; feel it begin to vibrate within and expand to encompass the physical body. Extend it upwards and out. A feeling of fear and/or excitement may be felt at this point in the exercise; it should not be permitted to distract the Vitki aspirant’s concentration from the objective. Should focus brake, a sudden jolt will occur and the hamr pulled back into its corporeal body. Once the hamr has risen from the physical shell, visualize it taking the shape and appearance of Odin, with his one eye and hat, etc. When complete separation occurs, turn and face the astral Hof (for construction of the astral Hof, see below) and float through its entrance and to the far end where a dais is positioned between two totems. Erected in the center of the dais is the World Tree. See it in full radiant color and swaying slightly in a magical breeze. Odin hangs on the tree bidding approach. Go to him on the dais, turn around and peer outside. The back should be toward Odin and about three feet away. See the sunlight illuminating the doorway and then pass away, replaced by the darkness. Repeat this cycle of light/darkness for eight consecutive turns. On the ninth turn (the number nine symbolizes initiation because it draws full circle) of darkness, in one swift movement fall backwards and into the hanging god merging with him. Then both fall as one through the crux of the cross/tree which is aligned with the Vishuddha chakra at the throat area. Success is measured in the degree and in the length of time the Vitki initiate spends immersed in this dimension of pure illumination. A personal note: I have not been able to maintain a lengthy stay in this incredible and indescribable realm beyond a mere second. The moment I fall through, I get a fleeting glimpse of my hamr still on the cross with All-Father (apparently, my consciousness as Odin — is all that passes through the portal) then a flash of brilliant light fills me with euphoria (this hardly describes the feeling) and I immediately wake up, often disoriented.
It may assist the Vitki initiate to meditate for however long it may take (months, perhaps) to build the magical Hof in the subconsciousness. While meditating, with as much clarity and detail as possible, imagine the interior of the sacred Hof, with every magical instrument used by the Vitki. The Hof should look similar to the one described above or it can be a replica of the actual Hof used by the Vitki initiate. Imagine walking through the entrance and observing the surrounding with everything in it. The smell of the sacred area should also be discernable. Do this exercise as often as possible; it will forge a magnetic link with the Vitki initiate and the astral Hof.
Adams, Dean J. [2009] Private communication with Edred Thorsson [2009] I am grateful to Mr. Thorsson for the inspirational phrase: “Enthusiasm for work”. ENTHUSIASM has evolved into my WORD.
Adams, Dean J. [2007] Article, Odhinn, The Logos and Yggdrasil (Published in Vor Tru, Arizona, 2007)
Aristotle [2007] See article by D.J. Adams, Odhinn, The Logos, and Yggdrasil (Published in Vor Tru, Arizona, 2007)
Bellows, Henry Adams [1936] The Poetic Edda (New York: Princeton University Press 1936)
Blavatsky, Helena P. [1888] The Secret Doctrine Vol. I (Illinois: Quest Books, 1993)
Laszlo, Ervin [2008] Quantum Shift in the Global Brain (Vermont: Inner Traditions, 2009)
Shou, Peryt [2004] The Edda as Key to Coming Age (Texas: Runa-Raven Press, 2004)
Simek, Ruldof [1993] Dictionary of Northern Mythology, Trans. By Hall, Angela (New York: D.S. Brewer, 1993)
Thorsson, Edred [1987] Runelore (San Francisco California: Weiser, 1987)
Wagner, W. [1887] Asgard and the Gods, as quoted in the Secret Doctrine Vol.I by H.P. Blavatsky, 1888 (Illinois: Quest Books, 1993)
Author’s Note: I am also indebted to Kenneth Grant and his Typhonian Trilogies for my understanding of the formula and implications of the CROSSING.
Read more of the writings of Dean J. Adams on: https://deanjadams.wordpress.com
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