Saturday, 16 March 2019

Occultism and National-Socialism (Part I)

By David Myatt


Both the true nature and the cosmic importance of National-Socialism, and Adolf Hitler, have been, and still are, misunderstood. In recent decades, many attempts have been made to identify, or explain, what has been called "the Occult roots" of National-Socialism, just as many people who profess to be
Occultists have attempted to explain what they have described as the "Occult nature" of National-Socialism. The Occult is the modern term used to describe certain "hidden", "secret", esoteric or mystical beliefs, practices, knowledge or arts. Included in this term are Witchcraft, modern "paganism", Satanism and what has become known as "magick".

The true nature of the National-Socialism of Adolf Hitler is that National-Socialism, as outlined in the first chapter of this present work, uniquely represents, and uniquely expresses in a modern way, the organic wholeness of the cosmos and the individual which predated the Christian, or Nazarene, division of it into conflicting opposites. This division was abstract, dogmatic and in conflict with the reality which exists in Nature, in the cosmos and in we ourselves, as evolving, diverse human beings. The result of this fundamental division, and the acceptance of Christianity among Aryan or European nations, was the suppression for over a thousand years of our physical nature and our unique Aryan ethos. This ethos has been described as both Dionysian and Apollonian, and one of the most significant, important and hitherto suppressed aspects of this natural and healthy ethos is our "Faustian", or more correctly Luciferian, spirit - our aggressive, war-like, conquering and inquisitive nature. What has not been understood, except by a few, is that National-Socialism restores what is natural: what is balanced or harmonious. It does this for we ourselves, as individuals; for Nature, and for the cosmos itself. Thus, for example, and in respect of the individual, National-Socialism restores that  healthy vitality - that physical exuberance and acceptance of our physical nature - which Christianity suppressed and distorted, to the detriment of our Aryan psyche and our present European civilization. National-Socialism, in brief, restores that essentially pagan joy in living which our pagan ancestors tried to express through their natural and instinctive religions. Occultism at its best, and most rational, is but a modern attempt to try and capture and express, in the life of the individual, one of the "missing", suppressed or lost elements of our own nature, just as it is, at its best, an attempt to try and capture and express the essential numinosity, or spiritual nature, of Nature herself and the cosmos. Hence part of its archetypal appeal. In some ways, some aspects of Occultism, as Jung understood, strive to represent our suppressed 'dark' side, our instinctive unconscious, and there have been some attempts - one by Jung himself - to understand National-Socialism as a modern re-birth of this suppressed 'dark' or instinctive side: a re-birth, in Jung's words, of Wotanism or Odinism.

The truth, however, is that National-Socialism represents the wholeness itself -it does not represent just what has become described as the 'dark', 'shadow', instinctive, or unconscious aspect of our Aryan nature simply because this aspect does not, or rather should not, exist by itself. There is only the wholeness, the organic unity, itself. In the incorrect terms of the abstracted opposites of Christianity, National-Socialism is both the light and the dark; in the incorrect terms of modern psychology, National-Socialism is both our instinctive nature, our unconscious, and our consciousness or reason. What isof supreme importance is to understand that this division into opposites is fundamentally wrong, against our nature as Aryans, and that therefore any
attempt to describe National-Socialism in terms of such opposites is also wrong.

In fundamental terms, this means that any and all attempts to link National-Socialism with Occultism, or with any aspect of Occultism, modern or otherwise, are doomed, just as any and all attempts to "explain" or "understand" National-Socialism is psychological terms are also doomed. This is so because Occultism and psychology - like Christianity itself and the Judaism from which Christianity derives - are founded upon the fundamentally abstract and flawed notion of opposing, or contradictory, opposites, and because, in the case of Occultism, Occultism does not represent or express what actually exists, in ourselves, in Nature and in the cosmos. In simple terms
- and as outlined in Chapter I of this present work - National-Socialism and the Occult are incompatible, just as National-Socialism has rendered the Occult, Christianity and even modern psychology, obsolete. Quintessentially, National-Socialism is a modern, conscious and unique expression of the organic wholeness of the order which is manifest in we  ourselves, as human beings; which is manifest in Nature, and which is manifest in the cosmos itself. Consequently, only National-Socialism can preserve, and enhance, this order - and maintain the balance, or harmony,
which is essential for us to live healthy, vital and evolving, or civilized, lives.

I - National-Socialism and the Occult
National-Socialism and Occultism are fundamentally, and irretrievably, incompatible and opposed to each other.

National-Socialism is fundamentally opposed to Occultism for two reasons. Firstly, because National-Socialism is an expression of what is civilized - that is, it represents the reason, order and noble enquiring attitude which gives rise to and which maintains civilization. Philosophically, the foundations of National- Socialism lie in the civilization of ancient Greece, and particularly in the work of Aristotle for whom the cosmos, and thus Nature, were an ordered, awesome and wonderful creation which we, as human beings, could understand, or apprehend, through Thought: through the power of reason. Furthermore, the cosmos, and thus Nature, are understood as working - as being manifest to us - in accord with certain ordered processes or laws. What exists, obeys such natural laws, and all phenomena - all that we as human beings can observe or know - can be explained in terms of such processes or laws. Understanding arises from a knowledge of these laws, with such laws having to be discovered, by us, through observation and practical experimentation.

The second reason that National-Socialism and the Occult are opposed is because what makes National-Socialism unique - and thus of fundamental importance - is that National-Socialism is a unity, a wholeness, a genuine expression of what exists, being both spiritual and civilized. That is, National-Socialism does not champion or uphold a lifeless materialism or a lifeless logic - rather, it champions and upholds the ordered, living, vital essence of existence itself, composed as this essence is of what is both spiritual, or numinous, and what is ordered, rational and thus civilized. In simple terms, National-Socialism and National-Socialism alone represents and upholds the original, organic, unity which has been lost, and out of which all other beliefs, creeds, philosophies or religions abstracted opposing opposites, to the detriment of our understanding, our well-being, our evolution and our very existence as human beings. This unity is essential to a fulfilling human existence, and only from it can further upward evolution occur.

In contrast, Occultism is based on a totally different Weltanschauung, or "viewof the world". Fundamentally, the basis of Occultism is firstly, a specific belief or dogma, and secondly, the general belief that Nature, and the cosmos, is somehow "mysterious", unknowable and/or "magickal" - that is, subject to miracles or events which contradict the natural order and which cannot be explained rationally. The specific, or particular, belief or dogma underlying a particular Occult art is often, however, derived from some phenomena or series of phenomena, or some particular personal experience or experiences, with such phenomena and such personal experiences often being illogically extrapolated to form the basis of some cult, religion, sect or whatever. Furthermore, a lot of Occultism is based on a belief in supernatural powers. In contrast, National-Socialism accepts that there are no mysterious, terrifying, supernatural entities or powers, or disembodied spirits. It does not offer idle speculation about such things as reincarnation, and a personal life after death, as it does not depend on or accept the speculation, the belief, or the dogma of any other creed, faith or religion. Instead, it affirms its own exclusive understanding of life, death and the cosmos, based on the accumulated wisdom of thousands of years of civilization. That is, National-Socialism is a complete, self-contained, exclusive spiritual philosophy, or religion. National-Socialism, with its wholeness, its unique combination of spiritual understanding and reason, renders Occultism obsolete.

National-Socialism is a rational but numinous - or spiritual - explanation of the true nature of the cosmos and our place in the cosmos; it explains, for the first time, the nature of our humanity and the nature of that living Being which is beyond us as individuals and which is the source of our existence and our Destiny. In explaining such things, National-Socialism does not destroy or undermine the awe, the luminosity, the wonder, and the power of Nature and the cosmos. Rather, such a rational understanding enhances that awe, luminosity, wonder and power because it provides us with perspective, with meaning - with an insight into our real relationship with those things which are beyond us and which we depend upon for our existence, our health and our Destiny.

In respect of unusual, or still unexplained phenomena, National-Socialism expresses a balanced, or organic view. That is, it is open and enquiring, believing that such phenomena can be or will be explainable, in rational terms, given sufficient thought, and sufficient data. Such phenomena may also give rise to new laws, and thus a new understanding of the cosmos. What is important, is a noble, open and enquiring attitude to such things.

In respect of underdeveloped "psychic" powers and abilities which we, as human beings, may possess, National-Socialism is also balanced, or organic - that is, open and enquiring. It asserts, however, that what is of fundamental importance, insofar as individuals are concerned, is personal character - the development of a noble attitude. If such powers and abilities exist, then they  can only be developed naturally once such a foundation of noble character has been created in the individual. For without such a foundation, such abilities and such powers are unbalanced, and thus detrimental to that individual and what is beyond that individual - the folk, civilization and the cosmos itself.
It needs to be repeated that only the organic philosophy - or religion - of National-Socialism expresses the essence of our existence, the nature of the cosmos and what is necessary for us, as human beings, to continue the glorious work of evolution by creating a new race of higher, more civilized beings. Accordingly, all other philosophies, religions or beliefs - including Occultism - are now irrelevant, obsolete or detrimental to our existence and to the future evolution which is our Destiny as human beings.

- Published by Reichsfolk

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