By Fraternitas Loki
That which does not change perishes.
You would have been aware of several articles dealing with the fraternity known
by its patron: Loki. Some have ventured to join since their interests are more
of the hidden mysteries and aeonic imperatives of the West in terms of dark
forces. Few however are accepted, since very few have either the stamina,
courage or long term vision to comprehend the nature of the work on its value
both to their own lives and that of their Homelands in general.
This is not to deny the value of work in different spheres of
Bælder and other groups. One of the founding principles of the Order of the
Jarls of Bælder which remains constant and which F.L. applauds is that of the
'Rainbow Path'. Not the wishy-washy revivalist soft mentality of recent years;
rather an apprehension of the ethos and potential of the West hard appraisal of
its history, traditions, and esoterica including all aspects of the religious
and magick of our ancestors. One of the values groups like Bælder to the
destiny of the West is its rejection of messianic dualism of the 'either/or'
mentality prevalent in magick these days. Just as the old Imperial adage once
ran 'all roads lead to Rome' so in cosmic and evolutionary terms there is no
such thing as a good or evil. Yet in the context of human experience and
presencing the totality of the forces of change there is certainly 'evil' or
'heresy' as a prerequisite for evolution itself, which may be known as the
Satanic, Faustian, Nietzschean, Promethean, or National Socialist or by
whatever name it may go by. The imperative is the same. A study of the Aeon of
Asgard in the Norse Mythology will explain this concept of history further.
Only stagnation awaits those incapable of embracing the dark forces necessary,
at certain times of history, to give the twist to the spiral of unfolding of
evolution by causing the apparent destruction of the present order of things.
Yet it is never as simple as one force destroying another force- this is the
judeo-christian concept of good versus evil. Yet without the force of so-called
'evil' to arm, the next civilisation or new order would never emerge. Thus Loki
may be seen as the agent of forces embodying destiny's essence by confronting the
stagnation of the present whilst simultaneously eliciting the essential threads
or principles which yet remain from ancestral times suitable for building
blocks of the new aeon. This may be called folk memory, race inheritance, or
tribal psyche etc in human terms. On another level it is the revealing of the
suppressed or dark forces which men have been taught to shun since a complete
whole is made of the balancing factors of light and dark: an eternal dance.
In this respect heresy plays its part. The current arguments
over the 3rd.Reich is evidence of this. One side favouring continued repression
of any appraisal of history, the other glorying like parrots in a few catch
phrases and a new idolatry. We by contrast will take the nettle of history and
spur the West to its destined final frontier beyond the stars.
The aeonic reality eludes others because both camps are still
part of messianic dualism. Step back far enough and the emphemerality of
contemporary emotions over right and wrong vanish. What is left are the eternal
principles of change and their results. If true to itself each aeon is capable
of honourably handing over, by process of decline, fall, destruction, rebirth,
to the next. If not, the result is misery for all races on all continents and
atrophy. Enough said then of the balance factor of F.L.
In terms of practicalities within societal structures itself
the emergence of and development of F.L. necessitates development of a light
arm to work in synchronicity with this. The leader of that balancing fraternity
(OJB) speaks of this in a classified document elsewhere. Its members can now
choose which part they wish to follow rather than wander loosely among
unstructured elements. This is not to say that they must choose one area of
study as opposed to another. Some have advanced to have experienced the abyss
and the nature of totality within themselves and thus can use either or both
arms in heir own groups for their own ends. Others need to travel respectively
each or engage in both. Others may wish to refrain and content themselves with
the equally serious studies of our regions, heritage, history, ethnography,
mythology and esoterica are contained in various books available from
organisations like Coxland Press and in the OJB Journal.
What are differences then for those contemplating Loki rather
than forms like Freyr? Firstly there is no opposition between them, they are
complimentary facets of a totality. Just as those of you who have been engaged
in Pillars beyond Grade 5 will have seen by choosing either the Military of the
Monastic Pillar. (incidentally the grades for F.L. remain the same but each is
worked upon according to the ethos of F.L.). From previous Notes you see we do
not actively seek members. Nor are we interested in dilettantes. For us study
is merely the trigger for action, which requires ethos and historical skill.
Comprehend traditions then enact imperatives to achieve concrete change. We are
not interested in verbal gymnastics or clever concepts.
This is not because we do not care or are not interested in
the intellect or the fraternity of comrades. Simply that all energies are given
to manifesting thought as concrete change in our lives and especially in
society. Thus 'reports' are more likely to be proof of Wolf or Pack covertly
putting study to practice. Action.
Consider Loki: not as an individual but as a representative
of aeonic forces. The nature of his character was to trigger the collapse of
Asgard and thus the rise of the New Order via a series of incidents: the death
of Bælder, the rise of Fimbulvetr, the unleashing of Ragnarök etc. Though it
might be said that each step along the way (e.g. his siring of Hela, Fenris and
Iormungrand) was a manifestation of the principle of unfolding of potential for
the DNA of evolution.
The question may be asked: if I am interested in F.L. what
must I do, what do I study, what are the differences with other memberships? I
refer you to the Notes for Candidates and other MSs: these explain application
method and preparation for Wolf-inscription.
Regarding organisation, the primary structure is the Lair:
two or three comrades, supplemented by a Pack (minimum of 5): geared not to
ceremonies and studies but action and creation. However it may be necessary for
many Wolves to operate in deep cover in society. Lone Wolves, Lairs and Packs
will also enter society as members of professions, institutions, political
parties, the military, student and sports bodies, trades unions, government,
arts, media/entertainment etc. Others will set up 'fronts': organisations
having no apparent connection with any occult or magickal activity whatsoever.
Others however may prefer to simply carry out tasks to aid the work of F.L. in
small simple ways such as recruitment, infect cadres of the establishment of
other groups, making contacts, research, fundraising for subsidiary projects
etc. This is in itself just as valuable. In all this it must be remembered that
ego has nothing to do with it. Neither does power for its own sake. You are
playing a role which must not possess you. Each task performed, objective set
is a test of will, honour, historical justice, tribal loyalty, individual
Aspects of personal life are fulfilled by arming the aeon.
There are no grades but Missions, Hunts, Expeditions. Hierarchy/leadership is
based on experience, success and skill. Sometimes documents will be released-
of necessity 'heretical'. Studies will be paths of the dark gods in acausal
terms, sinister manifestation in societal terms plus tuition by elders of
20th.C. sinister portals. There are FL sinister manuscripts, rituals provided
according to the level which the Cub or Wolf has reached or his current
Missions. There is also a general Reading list for registrants and Novice Cubs.
Other MSs provide insights for Wolf, Cub, Cell or Pack.
Note: some light gods had giantish blood and vice versa. Your
objective is not to waste time by petty infiltration, or naively opposing the
'opposite' of dark forces but via sinister dialectics cause manifestation of
the balance factor to cause real societal change. In aeonic terms a sinister
Wolf's role is that of a healer: not in pathetic humanitarian sense, rather
purging the sickness in society. I wish you strength and joy in your trials.
Let the Aeonic Hunt commence!
Copyright 1993 bro.marshal Robin Duvil ----- Lord Grafen,
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