Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Self - Overcoming: The Pagan Way

From "The Heretic" (1992)

Recently an aspirant to Adeptship returned a course paper in which he expressed a fatalistic and defeatist attitude towards life. To a consideration of how the Quest for self-realization can be travelled, he answered that in his case it cannot be. That which was halting him was his own negative image, and it is his 'destiny' that he be kept where he is. This aspirant could not be initiated into our Order's IIø while possessing such an outlook. Without trying to lay down any 'Satanic dogma', our Order does possess quite specific purposes, one of which is to encourage the Adept in his Quest for ever higher states of Being. This requires a lifestyle, a practical outlook; thus our Order's Satanism is more than a religion or a philosophy - it is a way of living.

This Satanic life-style is predicated on a Nietzschean Self-Overcoming, impelling one to transcend all obstacles and limitations - whether imposed by Self or others - a Promethean defiance.

As Nietzsche himself put it: "That which does not destroy, makes me stronger."

The fatalism of a 'destiny' which so overwhelms the outlook of its possessor that it cannot be confronted and overcome is an Oriental intrusion which leads to stagnation, and belongs to what we call the Right-Hand Path. It is akin to "the will of god" that cannot/must not, be resisted.

Our aspirant expressed a hope that perhaps he will reincarnate into a better life.

The very essence of the Satanic life is that of defiance. Our outlook is essentially pagan. The Norse believed in fate/destiny (wyrd) but they were in no way bowed or restrained by it. If fate imposed hardship, then it was to be defied. The warrior would either succeed or die honourably in the struggle. What he would not do is raise up his hands in resignation, or bow his head in grief and blame 'fate', 'destiny', or the "will of Odin" for his plight.

The Satanist is the contemporary pagan warrior. He confronts his personal 'wyrd' and strives to overcome all obstacles on his Quest for Selfhood, and is stronger for it.

Thule Society

By The White Order of Thule

In late 19th and early 20th century Germany and Austria there were many flourishing esoteric orders which sought to establish a reborn Germanic identity and to reconnect the volk with its repressed archetypes.

One of the most significant of these Orders was founded in Germany in 1912 - the German Order. From this sprang the Thule Society whose driving force was Rudolf von Serbottendorff. He had been schooled in occultism, Islamic mysticism, alchemy, Rosicrucianism and much else, in Turkey, where he had also been initiated into Freemasonry.

Thule served as the recruiting and political action front of the German Order. Serbottendorff bought a failing Munich newspaper, the Beobachter which he renamed the Volkische Beobachter and it became the official newspaper of the NSDAP.

A movement to promote Thulian ideas among industrial workers and to offset Marxism, was formed in 1918 - the Workers' Political Circle - with Thulist Karl Harrer as chairman. From this came the German Workers' Party in 1919. A year later this became the NSDAP under the leadership of Adolf Hitler.

Serbottendorff himself stated: "Thule members were the people to whom Hitler first turned and who first allied themselves with Hitler."

The Thule society was active in efforts to overthrow the Barvarian Communist Government. Their propaganda effort was aided by a journalist, poet, and occult student Dietrich Eckart, who was the major intellectual influence on Hitler in the early years. The swastika flag adopted by the NSDAP was the brain-child of another Thulist, Dr Krohn.

With the victory of the Nazi Party, the occult tradition was carried on in the Third Reich mainly by the SS, who Reichsfuhrer, Himmler, was an avid student of the occult. An SS occult research department, the Ahnernerbe (Ancestral Heritage) was established in 1935 with SS Colonel Wolfram von Sievers at its head. Occult research took SS researchers as far afield as Tibet. Sievers had the Tantrik prayer, the Bardo Thodol, read over his body after his execution at Nuremberg.

National Socialism and the Third Reich represented a major attempt by high esoteric Adepts to re-establish a Culture based on the Laws of Nature, against the entrenched forces of anti-Life. Nothing that ambitious had been tried since the founding of the American Republic by Masonic adepts.
The Thule Society inner circle had the following beliefs Thule was a legendary island in the far north, similar to Atlantis, supposedly the center of a lost, high-level civilization. But not all secrets of that civilization had been completely wiped out. Those that remained were being guarded by ancient, highly intelligent beings (similar to the "Masters" of Theosophy or the White Brotherhood). The truly initiated could establish contact with these beings by means of magic-mystical rituals. The "Masters" or "Ancients" allegedly would be able to endow the initiated with supernatural strength and energy.

With the help of these energies the goal of the initiated was to create a race of Supermen of "Aryan" stock who would exterminate all "inferior" races.

On April 6, 1919, in Bavaria, left wing socialists and anarchists proclaimed the Bavarian Soviet Republic. The brains of the revolution were a group of writers who had little idea of administration. Life in munich grew chaotic. The counter-revolutionary forces, the whites, composed of various groups of decommissioned soldiers known as "Frei Corps", equipped and financed by the mysterious Thule Society, defeated the Bavarian Soviet within a matter of weeks.

Many other decommissioned soldiers waited out the turbulence in barracks, pfc Adolph Hitler among them. After the Bavarian Republic had been defeated by the Whites, in May, Hitler's superiors put him to work in the post revolution investigating commission. His indictments injected ruthless efficiency into the kangaroo courts as he fingered hundreds of noncommissioned officers and enlisted men who had sympathized with the communist and anarchists. He was subsequently sent to attend special anticommunist training courses and seminars at the University which were financed by the Reichswehr administration and by private donors from the Thule Society.

This led to an assignment in the intelligence division of the postwar German army, to infiltrate groups that could organize the working classes while the communists were weak. On a September evening, 1919, Hitler turned up in the Sternecker Beer Hall where members and friends of the budding German Workers Party had gathered. He quietly listened to the presentation by engineer Gottfried Feder, a Thule Society member, who talked about jewish control over lending capital. When one of the other group members called for Bavaria to break away from the rest of Germany, Hitler sprang into action. The astonished audience stood by while his highly aggressive remarks and compelling oratory swept through the room. After Hitler had finished his harangue, party chairman and founder, Anton Drexler, immediately asked him to a meeting of the party's steering committee held a few days later. He was asked to join the committee as its seventh member, responsible for advertising and propaganda.

Back in 1912, several German occultists with radical anti-semitic inclinations decided to form a "magic" lodge, which they named the Order of Teutons. the main founders were Theodor Fritsch, a publisher of an anti-semitic journal; Philipp Stauff, pupil of the racist Guido Von List, and Hermann Pohl, the order's chancellor. (Pohl would drop out three years later to found his own bizarre lodge, the Walvater Teutonic Order of the Holy Grail.) The Order of Teutons was organized along the lines of the Free Masons or the Rosicrucians, having differing degrees of initiation, only persons who could fully document that they were of pure "aryan" ancestry were allowed to join.

In 1915, Pohl was joined by Rudolf Blauer, who held a Turkish passport and practiced sufi meditation. He also dabbled in astrology and was an admirer of Lanz Von Liebenfels and Guido Von List, both pathologically anti-semitic. Blauer went by the name of Rudolf Freiherr Von Seboottendorf. He was very wealthy, although the origin of his fortune is unknown. He became the Grand Master of the Bavarian Order and he founded the Thule Society, with Pohl's approval, in 1918.
After the Bavarian communist revolution of 1918, the Thule Society became a center of the counterrevolutionary subculture. An espionage network and arms caches were organized. The Thule Club rooms became a nest of resistance to the revolution and the Munich Soviet Republic.
Journalist Karl Harrer was given the job of founding a political "worker circle". He realized that the workers would reject any program that was presented to them by a member of the conservative "privileged" class. Harrer knew that the mechanic Anton Drexler, who was working for the railroads, was a well-known anti-semite, chauvinist and proletarian. With drexler as nominal chairman, Harrer founded the German Workers Party in January 1919.

The German Workers Party was only one of many associations founded and controlled by the Thule Society. The Thule was the "mother" to the German Socialist Party, led by Julius Streicher, and the right-wing radical Oberland Free Corps. It published the Munich observer, which later became the National Observer. Hitler became the most prominent personality in the party. He caused Harrer to drop out, and he pushed Drexler, the nominal chairman, to the sidelines. He filled key positions with his own friends from the Thule Society and the Army. During the summer of 1920, upon his suggestion, the party was renamed the National Socialist German Worker Party (NASDAP). The new name was intended to equally attract nationalists and proletarians.

To go along with the new name his mass movement also required a flag with a powerful symbol. Among many designs under consideration, Hitler picked the one suggested by Thule member Dr. Krohn: a red cloth with a white circle in the middle containing a black swastika.

Hitler wanted to turn the German Workers Party into a mass-conscious fighting party, but Harrer and Drexler were hesitant, due in part to their woeful financial situation. The Thule Society was not yet supplying very much money and no one seemed to know how to build up a mass party. Hitler arranged two public meetings in obscure beer halls, and he drafted leaflets and posters, but there was no real breakthrough.

All of this changed dramatically at the end of the 1919 when Hitler met Dietrich Eckart. Most biographers have underestimated the influence that Eckart exerted on Hitler. He was the wealthy publisher and editor-in-chief of an anti-semitic journal which he called In Plain German. Eckart was also a committed occultist and a master of magic. As an initiate, Eckart belonged to the inner circle of the Thule Society as well as other esoteric orders.

There can be no doubt that Eckart - who had been alerted to Hitler by other Thulists - trained Hitler in techniques of self confidence, self projection, persuasive oratory, body language and discursive sophistry. With these tools, in a short period of time he was able to move the obscure workers party from the club and beer hall atmosphere to a mass movement. The emotion charged lay speaker became an expert orator, capable of mesmerizing a vast audience.

One should not underestimate occultism's influence on Hitler. His subsequent rejection of Free Masons and esoteric movements, of Theosophy, of Anthrosophy, does not necessarily mean otherwise. Occult circles have long been known as covers for espionage and influence peddling. Hitler's spy apparatus under Canaris and Heydrich were well aware of these conduits, particularly from the direction of Britain which had within its MI5 intelligence agency a department known as the Occult Bureau. That these potential sources of trouble were purged from Nazi life should not be taken to mean that Hitler and the Nazi secret societies were not influenced by mystical and occult writers such as Madame Blavatsky, Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Guido Von List, Lanz Von Liebenfels, Rudolf Steiner, George Gurdjieff, Karl Haushofer and Theodor Fritsch. Although Hitler later denounced and ridiculed many of them, he did dedicate his book Mein Kampf to his teacher Dietrich Eckart.

A frequent visitor to Landsberg Prison where Hitler was writing Mein Kampf with the help of Rudolf Hess, was General Karl Haushofer, a university professor and director of the Munich Institute of Geopolitics. Haushofer, Hitler, and Hess had long conversations together. Hess also kept records of these conversations. Hitler's demands for German "Living Space" in the east at the expense of the Slavic nations were based on the geopolitical theories of the learned professor.
Haushofer was also inclined toward the esoteric. as military attache in Japan, he had studied Zen-Buddhism. He had also gone through initiations at the hands of Tibetan Lamas. He became Hitler's second "esoteric mentor", replacing Dietrich Eckart. In Berlin, Haushofer had founded the Luminous Lodge or the Vril Society. The lodge's objective was to explore the origins of the Aryan race and to perform exercises in concentration to awaken the forces of "Vril". Haushofer was a student of the Russian magician and metaphysician Gregor Ivanovich Gurdyev (George Gurdjieff).

Both Gurdjeiff and Haushofer maintained that they had contacts with secret Tibetan Lodges that possessed the secret of the "Superman". The lodge included Hitler, Alfred Rosenberg, Himmler, Goring, and Hitler's subsequent personal physician Dr. Morell. It is also known that Aleister Crowley and Gurdjieff sought contact with Hitler. Hitler's unusual powers of suggestion become more understandable if one keeps in mind that he had access to the "secret" psychological techniques of the esoteric lodges. Haushofer taught him the techniques of Gurdjieff which, in turn, were based on the teachings of the Sufis and the Tibetan Lamas- and familiarized him with the Zen teaching of the Japanese Society of the Green Dragon.

In the latter half of the previous century, intriguing hints about Tibetan secret teachings had been carried to the west by Helena Blavatsky, who claimed initiation at the hands of the Holy Lamas themselves. Blavatsky taught that her "Hidden Masters" and "Secret Chiefs" had their earthly residence in the Himalayan region. As soon as the Nazi movement had sufficient funds, it began to organize a number of expeditions to Tibet and these succeeded one another practically without interruption until 1943. One of the most tangible expressions of Nazi interest in Tibet was the party`s adoption of its deepest and most mystical of symbols-the swastika.

The swastika is one of mankind's oldest symbols, and apart from the cross and the circle, probably the most widely distributed. It is shown on pottery fragments from Greece dating back to the eighth century b.c. It was used in ancient Egypt, India and China. The Navaho indians of North America have a traditional swastika pattern. Arab-Islamic sorcerers used it. In more recent times, it was incorporated in the flags of certain baltic states.

The idea for the use of the swastika by the Nazis came from a dentist named Dr. Friedrich Krohn who was a member of the secret Germanen order. Krohn produced the design for the actual form in which the Nazis came to use the symbol, that is reversed, spinning in an anti-clockwise direction. As a solar symbol, the swastika is properly thought of as spinning, and the Buddhists have always believed the symbol attracted luck. The Sanskrit word "svastika" means good fortune and well being. According to Cabbalistic lore and occult theory, chaotic force can be evoked by revers- ing the symbol. And so the symbol appeared as the flag of Nazi Germany and the insignia of the Nazi party, an indication for those who had eyes to see, as to the occult nature of the Third Reich.

Saturday, 16 March 2019

Fraternitas Loki (published works)

Dark Earth Sisters - Sceadu Bael Gebroder - Circle of Jormungandr

(* Ragnarök Runa re-publish this reading list that was presented by the Fraternitas Loki, which is no longer available. If you have access to some material by these groups, please contact the owner of this blog)

 The esteemed harbingers of the shadow soul of Pan-European Paganism bring you  the "sinister tradition".  The pan-tribal soul purged free of the excrescence of the old aeon. The highest virtues , qualities, and ethos of European heritage unchained from the heresy and corruption of the age of messianic hedonism. The power of the secrets of ancestral wisdom renewed for the  challenge of the coming times. The helical spiral beyond good & evil  unleashed for evolution in this lifetime. Embrace the purest black light of the hidden sun and dare to tread the path of godhood-

A small number of items have been selected for released from the secret and classified  Chest 1 of Scriptorum Lokiana by these dark masters of the  shadow inheritance of Europe. The 8 other Chests are yet to be opened.

post & packing 65p/E1/$1.3 per item
Uncraeft............................... (FL) ........... £9 (E14.4/$18)
The Chronicles of Timon....(FL)..........   £5 (E8/$10)
Nature Magick & Being.....(FL)............. £5 (E8/$10)
Book of the Serpent............(COJ).......... £6 (E9.6/$12)
Blood- a Vampyric Bibliography.........  £4/E6/$8

All at: £4/E6/$8 each (postfree)
from Fraternitas Loki:
Satan is Dead
Draupnir- The Secret Unearthed
My Honour Commands Loyalty
Aeonics Magick & Race
Supplicant Notes I
The Ten Ringed Path           
Lunar Passage of the Ten Spheres
Sphere Site Visits & Training          
Elixirs- Their Nature & Use
Initiate Training- Notes I 
Initiate Training- Notes II      
Initiate Training- Notes III 
Sinister Roles - Dependence & Postures
Natural v. Abstract Magick
Ecological Epochanics
Nature and Natural Magick
Human Society as Black Magick
Fraternitas Loki Intro & Guide

Erdas Garden
Dark Goddess 1
Dark Goddess 2
Nature Melding
Dark Earth Sisters a Complete Introduction
Dark Lughnasad

Fuck the Millennium
Thulian Mythos pt.1
Confronting Western Darkness
Psychic Vampirism
Racialism v. Racism
Man Becoming God
Warrior Magickian
Visions From the Dark Side
Sinister Dialectics of Paganism
Hail to Those

Vlad And The Dragon Cult
Freyr and the Phallus Cult
Note on the Name Jormungandr
Wolfsangle Rune
Slavonic Vampire Death Cult
Gleipner Unlocked

Occultism and National-Socialism (Part III)

By David Myatt 

III - Cosmic Reich
What do you think was the esoteric current behind the Third Reich and Hitler/the NSDAP? Did this derive from an ancient tradition, or was it of fairly recent origin via Thule, for example?

Basically, and as I mentioned in my The Enlightenment of National-Socialism, Adolf Hitler was a means whereby the cosmos restored the balance that had been lost. By creating the National-Socialist movement and by creating the Third Reich, Adolf Hitler gave us as Aryans the means to achieve that balance without which our further evolution, as Aryans, is impossible. In brief, he restored us to our unique racial psyche. Furthermore, he revealed the Destiny of our whole human species, and made that Destiny possible. That is, he revealed the truths about race, racial ethos and culture, individual excellence, and triumphing over adversity through using our will to change ourselves for the better.

He did this naturally, not mystically. That is, he was in a profound way supra-human and self-contained: the cosmos in evolution and being made manifest in an individual. I do not mean this in a 'theological' sense, but in a naturalistic way: he was what most of us have the potential to become; a more highly evolved being. What existed, esoterically or otherwise, before his emergence is now irrelevant - he himself, and his movement, are the esoteric  current of our times and of the next Aeon. He relied on no previous esoteric current, and was not part of any - he was and is the current. This was why esoteric groups, including Thule, were banned in the Third Reich - they were not necessary, were irrelevant or were detrimental to the energies National-Socialism had unleashed and was using to re-shape us and the cosmos. In some ways, Thule helped prepare the way for Adolf Hitler - with his emergence, Thule was no longer necessary. The various NS organizations, such as the SS, became the practical means to achieve the transformations necessary. What has not even now been understood, except by a very few, is that National-Socialism was and is a practical alchemy which can achieve the goal that all genuine 'esoteric' groups seek to achieve: a new, higher, being. Moreover, and importantly, National-Socialism seeks to and can make this goal real for the majority, not just a select few.

I can only repeat that all esoteric groups which existed before Adolf Hitler are either now irrelevant, or, if they still exist, are now detrimental to future development: to the creation of higher beings. The only significant and important esoteric groups which now exist are those which, understanding the cosmic importance of Adolf Hitler, covertly or otherwise prepare the way for, and encourage, the future triumph of National-Socialism and 'esoteric Hitlerism'. Notice I did not restrict myself to mentioning 'Aryan' esoteric groups, for ultimately National-Socialism will enable our evolution as a whole species, as I have briefly explained in The Enlightenment of National-Socialism. Considering the archetypal scope of NS and Hitler, do you consider that the persecution and hatred directed against these might actually be empowering them psychically? And, in general, if persecution actually serves to empower its target, could this not also be said for overt opposition to, for example, Christianity and Zionism? If correct, how can this paradox be resolved? Persecution and hatred only empower up to a point. The energies so produced are limited, and beyond that point become destructive. What is archetypal needs to be made real; the psychic model which exists in people's psyche needs to be constructed in real life, 'in the world', and this means numinous energy. In its birth-time, and for a while afterwards, a new archetype can be empowered by persecution and hatred - but to thrive, to grow, to affect a multitude, to become real, it has to receive this numinous energy.

This, however, arises naturally from those 'touched' by the archetype, and whose lives and actions further empower it. In a sense, it is a symbiotic relationship, a coming-together of two types of being, an archetypal one, not bound by causal space-time, and a 'human' being, living in causal space-time. The archetype gives strength, balance and 'wholeness' to individuals - and yet it itself becomes strengthened by this bond.

Few people really understand archetypes. They are living - they are born, they flourish, and they die. They are not an 'intellectual abstraction' for people to pretend to understand and try to use. Neither are they mystical in the sense of being 'incomprehensible'.

After the banning of esoteric groups by the Third Reich, what occult influence continued to impact upon the Third Reich, and did it have tangible organizational form? Who were its principal exponents?

There was no occult influence - for Adolf Hitler and the National-Socialist movement expressed all that was necessary, with the various National-Socialist organizations giving tangible form to the evolutionary energies which Adolf Hitler unleashed and controlled. What needs to be understood is that all these various organizations were necessary for the correct balance to be achieved and thus a numinous society, or State, created. National-Socialist Germany was more than just another State - it was the first time, in the history of our evolution as a species, that a State-form was used in an evolutionary way. Indeed, a new form was thereby created, and this form is so revolutionary, so crucial for our future as a species and as 'thinking-beings', that its importance cannot at this time be over-estimated.

There has been a tendency to try and identify the SS as the most important 'esoteric-type' organization of the Reich - as some sort of 'mystical' organization which embodied the principles of National-Socialism in a higher form. This tendency shows a basic mis-understanding of National-Socialism,
the SS itself, and in particular what National-Socialist Germany was. The SS was a warrior organization, with an Aryan warrior ethos, and as such exemplified some of the highest Aryan ideals. It was also intended to be archetypal - creating its own traditions, and bringing about, partly through the test of combat, the development of higher beings. But other organizations embodied other Aryan ideals, and all of them together were necessary and vital for a healthy, balanced society to be achieved. The SS was a vital and necessary part of the practical organic whole that was National Socialist Germany.

Were Hitler and others such as the mystically-inclined Hess and Himmler fully conscious themselves of their Aeonic roles, and perhaps even of their fated Destiny?

Adolf Hitler and Rudolf Hess certainly were aware of these things. Hess himself wrote, in 57 yf, after the victorious allies had hanged eleven Germans at Nuremberg: "What the death of these Eleven will one day mean, but few today can suspect, much less can I write about. We are standing on the threshold of a great new age. What we are all going through are its birthpangs. Everything seems negative - yet despite it all, the time is coming when something new and great will be born."

How do you perceive the Third Reich and its defeat in Aeonic terms? Was it a premature experiment for something that did not belong to this Aeon - or perhaps the seeding for something centuries hence that was required to be established in this century in order to work itself upon future centuries?

The Third Reich - or as I prefer to call it, the first National-Socialist Reich - was a prelude to what might yet be. Its destruction, and the immolation of Adolf Hitler, provide us with the inspiration we must have to continue our upward development by creating a practical means, such as a State, which enables us to achieve this evolutionary development. Because of the work of Adolf Hitler and his German followers, because of the destruction of this work by our racial enemies, we have the weapons we must have in order to secure a future for ourselves and our race. We also now have the tools to build a new civilization greater than any existing hitherto. But this future and this new and higher civilized are not inevitable because of these things - they are not fated to be. Whether they will be, depends on us; on whether we pick up those weapons and those tools, and on how we use them.

Adolf Hitler has left us a great legacy. We can either use that legacy, and so achieve greatness; or we can ignore that legacy, and so choose doom as a race. If we as a race reject this legacy, we deserve to perish. We either survive, flourish and create new civilizations; or we endure oppression, and gradually die out. Using this legacy, it is possible for us, or our descendants, to win back our freedom, and so create another National-Socialist Reich, within twenty to fifty years from now. If this is not done - because we or our descendants prefer oppression and self-indulgence - then this legacy can still be used by others some time in the future to create a new Reich, provided of course there are still pure Aryans around then. But unless we act soon, the one great possibility which awaits - and which will secure civilization forever - will be postponed and may never arise again. I refer of course to a Galactic Empire. We are uniquely placed, given our Thorian technology and our understanding, to
begin the process which will ensure the creation of this Empire. But if this is not done soon - if there is a long period of Zionist oppression, an interregnum - then this will no longer be feasible for many, many centuries; and may indeed  never be feasible again, even if sufficient Aryans survive. This will be so because during this interregnum the Thorian ethos will decline and die, as will the technology which exemplifies that ethos. It would probably be over a millennia before the same level is reached again.

As a principal postwar philosopher of NS you seem to be the first to have given a star-bound vision to NS. Your vision is of mankind's evolution toward 'Homo Galactica' and a Galactic Empire. When and how did these concepts begin to take shape? What were the formative influences on it, and were there any philosophical or scientific precursors to you?

Ever since I was twelve or thirteen years of age I have known that our ultimate Destiny lies in the exploration and conquest of Outer Space. Since those years, the prospect has excited and intrigued me - as it excites and intrigues many young people. It was this which led me to study Physics and join a scientific society dedicated to encouraging Space travel. Like millions of others, I sat for hours on end to watch the live television broadcasts of the first human ever to walk on the surface of the moon. But I was also aware, at that time, that only a certain type of society could pursue and make real this ultimate Destiny - that it needed a new type of person, and a society dedicated to something more than self-gratification and materialism. What was needed was a society composed of noble individuals who strove to work together for the common good and who were ennobled by pursuing idealistic goals such as exploration and conquest.

When I first learned of the existence of National-Socialist Germany, at the age of fifteen, I knew intuitively that here was the type of society that was needed - or at least a prototype for it. And it was this knowledge, and my understanding of National-Socialism, which above anything else inspired me to become active in politics and forsake my dream of becoming a Physicist and finding some means to travel between the stars. I wanted and yearned to create the only type of society which could make this noble and glorious Destiny real. To me, the exploration and conquest of Outer Space - the creation of a Galactic Empire - is the ultimate practical expression of National-Socialism. It is our unique Destiny as a race - and our opportunity to achieve this is here, now, given our technology, our inventiveness, our heroism.

I hate the enemies of National-Socialism because I know that they are stifling and trying to destroy the heroic noble spirit of exploration and conquest which lives within our hearts and which alone raises us up out of the squalid mire of barbarism and selfish materialism. These enemies are trying - with their vapid materialism, their neurotic guilt, their obsession with sex - to kill our dreams.

They are trying to destroy what makes us unique and human. I have written and said what I have written and said about the Galactic Empire and National-Socialism because I feel these things deep within my own being. As to there being any philosophical or scientific precursors to this, I do not know.

Since you also write of NS as being a philosophy of BALANCE - re-atuning the individual and the folkish community to Nature - how can such a balance be maintained in the pursuit of a Galactic Empire which would obviously require a far more technological and scientific orientated society than at present? National-Socialism is harmonious, and thus a philosophy of balance, because it seeks to create a society, or a way of living, where the two things necessary for both health and advancement exist together, without conflict. Indeed, National-Socialism is so special, and so important for us, because it alone expresses how this can be done. To be fully healthy, as individuals, we need a harmonious, beautiful, environment, a sense of belonging and a sense of purpose. These things mean Blood and Soil - an awareness of our heritage, our place 'in the scheme of things'; an awareness of our duties and responsibilities toward our folk-community and our race. Blood and Soil also mean a sense of belonging: a homeland; somewhere special for us, where we belong. But to advance, to evolve, we need change, challenges, a spirit of adventure. Otherwise there is stagnation and decay. Change means growth, and technology. A society is organic and healthy if it preserves what is best, and yet allows for growth, change and expansion. That is, there is a controlled balance maintained between Blood and Soil and Conquest and Exploration. What maintains this balance is a conscious awareness - an understanding that both are necessary and vital for a society to function properly and evolve naturally, in accordance with Nature.

National-Socialism accepts that individuals should fulfill the role which is suited to their character, talents and abilities, and it aims to create the type of society where individuals can make the best use of their talents and abilities. That is, National-Socialism values personal character, as it accepts that some people are suited to say, farming and husbandry, while others are more suited to scientific work, or being a warrior. What matters is that the work an individual does is respected; that all types of work are seen as dignified and necessary for the good of the whole society.

National-Socialism aims to harness and control growth and technology for the good of the folk, as it aims to preserve what is essential for individual health, what is essential for producing healthy children: Blood and Soil. By creating a healthy environment - and thus healthy children - by controlling and harnessing growth and technology, and by using these to pursue an idealistic noble goal such as the creation of a Galactic Empire, a real, conscious, balance can be created, for the first time in our conscious evolution. Further, because National-Socialism is a conscious expression of the wisdom of thousands of years of civilization, its organizations and structures aim to produce individuals of noble character, who can accept responsibility, who have judgement and who are instinctively wise. It is these individuals who can ensure such a balance is created and maintained.

Will there ever be a danger of stagnation and decay in the New Aeon as in all previous Aeons and their civilizations, or will the Galactic scope of the New Aeon give in an enduring (even eternal) quality that is unique to it? Once the Galactic Empire becomes real, with colonization of other star-systems, then a natural divergence will take place, and new, unique, civilizations arise. Each world, each outpost, as it developes, will go through cycles of change; some will evolve; some will decay with new life emerging from such decay. Providing such stellar seeding, such conquest of otherworlds, continues, so will this Aeon. But there will probably come a time when even this forward movement ceases, and decay and stagnation set in, with the structure of such an Empire collapsing. Then other aeons [plural] will emerge, in different places, and at different times.

- Published by Reichsfolk

Occultism and National-Socialism (Part II)

By David Myatt

II - Paganism and National-Socialism
A genuine pagan is someone who believes there is a creative force in Nature which produces, or is responsible for, and which changes, living beings, including ourselves. Furthermore, a pagan also believes that conventional religions, with their idea of an all-powerful deity or God, are unnatural since Nature and its creative force cannot be represented by a single, all-powerful, anthropomorphic deity.

Expressed another way, a genuine pagan is someone who respects Nature, and her creations, and who accepts that what exists, in Nature, has some order or purpose.

However, the term 'paganism' has over recent years been used - incorrectly - by people who adhere to extreme 'Left-wing', or Marxist-type, causes, as well as by those mis-guided Aryans who have rejected those creations of our present civilization, science and reason. Accordingly, the term 'pagan' has now become associated with various 'trendy' causes and various weird, beliefs. These types of people are not genuine pagans.

Essentially, paganism means a certain attitude to life; that is, a particular way of living. It does not mean, and does not necessarily involve, worship of strange gods and goddesses or spirits; weird rituals, or 'spells and conjurations'. Genuine ancient paganism was an instinctive belief in a particular folk or community, in the Destiny or importance of that folk, and what is necessary to ensure the well-being and survival of that folk. In all genuine paganism there is an understanding of or feeling for the particular land or place where the folk dwells - that is, a regard and even reverence for 'ancestral land'. The ancestors of the folk are regarded as being present in or re-born into, this ancestral land. The well-being and survival of the folk depend on respecting these ancestors, respecting the land itself without which these ancestors would be 'homeless', and respecting the forces of Nature which produce the land, give it its fertility, and which are more powerful than any individual.

Thus, a genuine pagan has a sense of the organic nature, or wholeness, of their community or folk, and of how this folk is balanced between their land and Nature herself. There is, in short, a genuine sense of belonging. Thus, there is in genuine ancient paganism an explanation of the place of the
individual in the general 'scheme of things', as well as an explanation of the origins and importance of a particular folk or community. Mostly, these explanations take the form of myths and legends.

Paganism is thus a natural, instinctive, 'view of the world' or Weltanschauung. It is also more natural, more productive of individual well-being, and more correct, than conventional religions like Christianity. Such religions are in many ways unnatural abstractions which destroy the natural balance a folk attains with its ancestors, its ancestral lands and its sense of Destiny. Such religions also elevate an abstract, unhealthy, world-negating, anti-Nature spirituality above physical well-being, as they replace the ideal of individual and folk excellence by obedience and faith to some Church or some God. Such religions also deny folk-destiny - affirming that all folk communities are equal in the sight of God/Allah/Buddha and so on.

National-Socialism is basically a modern, conscious (as distinct from instinctive) paganism. That is, it is a modern, conscious and rational understanding of our place, as individuals, in the natural and cosmic 'scheme of things'. National-Socialism explains, and makes conscious for the first time in history, the importance of Nature, and of all of her creations, including, most importantly, race and individual character.

National-Socialism also reveals the ethos of the Aryan peoples of this world - of who we, as Aryans are; what we must do to live healthy lives; what our unique Destiny is, and how we can continue with and build upon the achievements of our ancestors. National-Socialism expresses how we are balanced between Nature and our folk - between Blood and Soil.

The essential importance of National-Socialism is that it makes us aware of such things as these in a practical way which enables us to live healthy, fulfilling lives and move-on to become higher, more civilized, beings, where it is to be understood that 'civilization' means and implies a community of warriors who uphold noble warrior values such as honour. National-Socialism is so revolutionary and so important because it is a practical means to construct  a balanced pagan, warrior, society and so create a new race of higher beings - a new type of person - thereby continuing the creative work of Nature. National-Socialism is fundamentally anti-materialistic - it is in revolt against all forms of selfish decadence, for these upset the balance of Nature and ultimately undermine and destroy Nature and her creations, including race and excellence of individual character.

National-Socialism reveals to us, as individuals, our unique place in the cosmic scheme of things, and shows how we can use our lives as they are meant to be used - to create something beyond ourselves. This involves us in respecting the creations of Nature, and thus championing our own unique race, our own unique racial culture and our own unique racial Destiny.

Thus, National-Socialists champion natural, ordered, civilized values in a world increasingly full of unnatural, disorded, uncivilized values. National-Socialists champion Nature - and life itself - while the enemies of National-Socialism champion death and chaos.

- Published by Reichsfolk

Occultism and National-Socialism (Part I)

By David Myatt


Both the true nature and the cosmic importance of National-Socialism, and Adolf Hitler, have been, and still are, misunderstood. In recent decades, many attempts have been made to identify, or explain, what has been called "the Occult roots" of National-Socialism, just as many people who profess to be
Occultists have attempted to explain what they have described as the "Occult nature" of National-Socialism. The Occult is the modern term used to describe certain "hidden", "secret", esoteric or mystical beliefs, practices, knowledge or arts. Included in this term are Witchcraft, modern "paganism", Satanism and what has become known as "magick".

The true nature of the National-Socialism of Adolf Hitler is that National-Socialism, as outlined in the first chapter of this present work, uniquely represents, and uniquely expresses in a modern way, the organic wholeness of the cosmos and the individual which predated the Christian, or Nazarene, division of it into conflicting opposites. This division was abstract, dogmatic and in conflict with the reality which exists in Nature, in the cosmos and in we ourselves, as evolving, diverse human beings. The result of this fundamental division, and the acceptance of Christianity among Aryan or European nations, was the suppression for over a thousand years of our physical nature and our unique Aryan ethos. This ethos has been described as both Dionysian and Apollonian, and one of the most significant, important and hitherto suppressed aspects of this natural and healthy ethos is our "Faustian", or more correctly Luciferian, spirit - our aggressive, war-like, conquering and inquisitive nature. What has not been understood, except by a few, is that National-Socialism restores what is natural: what is balanced or harmonious. It does this for we ourselves, as individuals; for Nature, and for the cosmos itself. Thus, for example, and in respect of the individual, National-Socialism restores that  healthy vitality - that physical exuberance and acceptance of our physical nature - which Christianity suppressed and distorted, to the detriment of our Aryan psyche and our present European civilization. National-Socialism, in brief, restores that essentially pagan joy in living which our pagan ancestors tried to express through their natural and instinctive religions. Occultism at its best, and most rational, is but a modern attempt to try and capture and express, in the life of the individual, one of the "missing", suppressed or lost elements of our own nature, just as it is, at its best, an attempt to try and capture and express the essential numinosity, or spiritual nature, of Nature herself and the cosmos. Hence part of its archetypal appeal. In some ways, some aspects of Occultism, as Jung understood, strive to represent our suppressed 'dark' side, our instinctive unconscious, and there have been some attempts - one by Jung himself - to understand National-Socialism as a modern re-birth of this suppressed 'dark' or instinctive side: a re-birth, in Jung's words, of Wotanism or Odinism.

The truth, however, is that National-Socialism represents the wholeness itself -it does not represent just what has become described as the 'dark', 'shadow', instinctive, or unconscious aspect of our Aryan nature simply because this aspect does not, or rather should not, exist by itself. There is only the wholeness, the organic unity, itself. In the incorrect terms of the abstracted opposites of Christianity, National-Socialism is both the light and the dark; in the incorrect terms of modern psychology, National-Socialism is both our instinctive nature, our unconscious, and our consciousness or reason. What isof supreme importance is to understand that this division into opposites is fundamentally wrong, against our nature as Aryans, and that therefore any
attempt to describe National-Socialism in terms of such opposites is also wrong.

In fundamental terms, this means that any and all attempts to link National-Socialism with Occultism, or with any aspect of Occultism, modern or otherwise, are doomed, just as any and all attempts to "explain" or "understand" National-Socialism is psychological terms are also doomed. This is so because Occultism and psychology - like Christianity itself and the Judaism from which Christianity derives - are founded upon the fundamentally abstract and flawed notion of opposing, or contradictory, opposites, and because, in the case of Occultism, Occultism does not represent or express what actually exists, in ourselves, in Nature and in the cosmos. In simple terms
- and as outlined in Chapter I of this present work - National-Socialism and the Occult are incompatible, just as National-Socialism has rendered the Occult, Christianity and even modern psychology, obsolete. Quintessentially, National-Socialism is a modern, conscious and unique expression of the organic wholeness of the order which is manifest in we  ourselves, as human beings; which is manifest in Nature, and which is manifest in the cosmos itself. Consequently, only National-Socialism can preserve, and enhance, this order - and maintain the balance, or harmony,
which is essential for us to live healthy, vital and evolving, or civilized, lives.

I - National-Socialism and the Occult
National-Socialism and Occultism are fundamentally, and irretrievably, incompatible and opposed to each other.

National-Socialism is fundamentally opposed to Occultism for two reasons. Firstly, because National-Socialism is an expression of what is civilized - that is, it represents the reason, order and noble enquiring attitude which gives rise to and which maintains civilization. Philosophically, the foundations of National- Socialism lie in the civilization of ancient Greece, and particularly in the work of Aristotle for whom the cosmos, and thus Nature, were an ordered, awesome and wonderful creation which we, as human beings, could understand, or apprehend, through Thought: through the power of reason. Furthermore, the cosmos, and thus Nature, are understood as working - as being manifest to us - in accord with certain ordered processes or laws. What exists, obeys such natural laws, and all phenomena - all that we as human beings can observe or know - can be explained in terms of such processes or laws. Understanding arises from a knowledge of these laws, with such laws having to be discovered, by us, through observation and practical experimentation.

The second reason that National-Socialism and the Occult are opposed is because what makes National-Socialism unique - and thus of fundamental importance - is that National-Socialism is a unity, a wholeness, a genuine expression of what exists, being both spiritual and civilized. That is, National-Socialism does not champion or uphold a lifeless materialism or a lifeless logic - rather, it champions and upholds the ordered, living, vital essence of existence itself, composed as this essence is of what is both spiritual, or numinous, and what is ordered, rational and thus civilized. In simple terms, National-Socialism and National-Socialism alone represents and upholds the original, organic, unity which has been lost, and out of which all other beliefs, creeds, philosophies or religions abstracted opposing opposites, to the detriment of our understanding, our well-being, our evolution and our very existence as human beings. This unity is essential to a fulfilling human existence, and only from it can further upward evolution occur.

In contrast, Occultism is based on a totally different Weltanschauung, or "viewof the world". Fundamentally, the basis of Occultism is firstly, a specific belief or dogma, and secondly, the general belief that Nature, and the cosmos, is somehow "mysterious", unknowable and/or "magickal" - that is, subject to miracles or events which contradict the natural order and which cannot be explained rationally. The specific, or particular, belief or dogma underlying a particular Occult art is often, however, derived from some phenomena or series of phenomena, or some particular personal experience or experiences, with such phenomena and such personal experiences often being illogically extrapolated to form the basis of some cult, religion, sect or whatever. Furthermore, a lot of Occultism is based on a belief in supernatural powers. In contrast, National-Socialism accepts that there are no mysterious, terrifying, supernatural entities or powers, or disembodied spirits. It does not offer idle speculation about such things as reincarnation, and a personal life after death, as it does not depend on or accept the speculation, the belief, or the dogma of any other creed, faith or religion. Instead, it affirms its own exclusive understanding of life, death and the cosmos, based on the accumulated wisdom of thousands of years of civilization. That is, National-Socialism is a complete, self-contained, exclusive spiritual philosophy, or religion. National-Socialism, with its wholeness, its unique combination of spiritual understanding and reason, renders Occultism obsolete.

National-Socialism is a rational but numinous - or spiritual - explanation of the true nature of the cosmos and our place in the cosmos; it explains, for the first time, the nature of our humanity and the nature of that living Being which is beyond us as individuals and which is the source of our existence and our Destiny. In explaining such things, National-Socialism does not destroy or undermine the awe, the luminosity, the wonder, and the power of Nature and the cosmos. Rather, such a rational understanding enhances that awe, luminosity, wonder and power because it provides us with perspective, with meaning - with an insight into our real relationship with those things which are beyond us and which we depend upon for our existence, our health and our Destiny.

In respect of unusual, or still unexplained phenomena, National-Socialism expresses a balanced, or organic view. That is, it is open and enquiring, believing that such phenomena can be or will be explainable, in rational terms, given sufficient thought, and sufficient data. Such phenomena may also give rise to new laws, and thus a new understanding of the cosmos. What is important, is a noble, open and enquiring attitude to such things.

In respect of underdeveloped "psychic" powers and abilities which we, as human beings, may possess, National-Socialism is also balanced, or organic - that is, open and enquiring. It asserts, however, that what is of fundamental importance, insofar as individuals are concerned, is personal character - the development of a noble attitude. If such powers and abilities exist, then they  can only be developed naturally once such a foundation of noble character has been created in the individual. For without such a foundation, such abilities and such powers are unbalanced, and thus detrimental to that individual and what is beyond that individual - the folk, civilization and the cosmos itself.
It needs to be repeated that only the organic philosophy - or religion - of National-Socialism expresses the essence of our existence, the nature of the cosmos and what is necessary for us, as human beings, to continue the glorious work of evolution by creating a new race of higher, more civilized beings. Accordingly, all other philosophies, religions or beliefs - including Occultism - are now irrelevant, obsolete or detrimental to our existence and to the future evolution which is our Destiny as human beings.

- Published by Reichsfolk

Thursday, 14 March 2019

Satanism and Race

By ONA (1991)

Satanism and Race The purpose of this MS is to explain traditional Satanism in relation to "race" since it is an unfortunate fact  that most non-Initiates of  this particular  Left  Hand  Path  reveal a total lack of un-derstanding of the topic, and see the use of a particular tactic by traditional Satanists as a part of the Satanist ‘world-view’.

The fundamental strategic (or ‘long-term’) aim  of Satanism  is  to elevate  the consciousness of all individuals [Regardless of race] to at least what is now described by ‘Adept consciousness’:  i.e.  to liberate the  individual,  internally  and externally,  and so create a new type of human being  - someone who has achieved the next stage of our evolutionary development. The way of traditional Satanism  -  its  rituals,  techniques, ordeals  and  methods  -  is  a  means  to  enable  the  development  of this liberation within the individual. However, this way requires commitment and a self-effort over many years.

Further, traditional Satanists do not believe that the way itself can be made any easier - that is, there are no ‘short-cuts’ to achieving real Adeptship and beyond. It is not a question of someone accepting a dogma, of being ‘converted’ to a religion, or of simply performing magickal rites. It is acomplete change of one's way of living, a total rejection of the many  presently existing structures and  forms  which  stifle  our  potential  and  which hold  individuals  in  thrall,  often  unconsciously.  In brief, Satanism is revolutionary.

Because of this, the achievement of the ultimate Satanic goal or aim will take a long time - many  centuries,  if  not  millennia.  Satanists  are  both  pragmatic  and  rational:  they  have  studied  the processes of  evolutionary  change  as  these  relate  to  individuals  and  have  devised  means  to  aid  the achievement of  the ultimate goal. They  know the realities  which pertain,  and their assessments of means or tactics are practical. They eschew the mystifications of most of those Involved in Occult-ism  just  as  they  are  not  dreamy  idealists  who  trust  in  some  ‘ineffable’  law  or  supra-personal  en-tity/Being to do their work for them. They are practical, calculating and if necessary ruthless.

The reality is that Aeonic energies - i.e. that ‘force’ which creates an evolutionary develop-ment of consciousness - are presenced, on Earth, via a specific aeonic civilization. That is, that such evolutionary change is achieved by means of such a civilization. At any one Aeonic period (which lasts  from  between  one  to  two  millennia)  only  one  such  civilization  exists  and  is  creating  large-scale  evolutionary  change.  When  that  civilization  declines  (when  the  Aeonic  energies  of  the  par-ticular Aeon are waning) there is presenced another type of  Aeonic energy, which thereafter gives rise to another aeonic civilization, and thus further changes.

Presently, the civilization is the ‘Western’ or Faustian one, and this civilization, like all ae-onic  civilizations,  should  end  in  Imperium.  This  Imperium  is  part  of  the  evolutionary  process  of change.  Such  change  occurs  mostly  by  the  majority  within  that  civilization  being  motivated  (un-consciously) by the ethos or Destiny of that civilization - i.e. they create change without being con-sciously aware of what they are doing. A few individuals know what is actually occurring - i.e. they have an understanding and insight greater than the majority. These few are the genuine Initiates of 21esoteric  traditions.  This  knowledge  gives  them  a  certain  power  -  for  they  can  use  it  to  produce changes  according  to  their  desires/aims.  In  effect,  they  are  the  secret  guardians  of  evolutionary change.

Hitherto,  aeonic  change has  been  natural  -  a  process of  organic  growth.  With  each  aeonic civilization, there has been a slow evolutionary change toward greater consciousness and thus indi-vidual growth. But this change is very slow, and only a minority have achieved any real progress in terms of achieving the potential inherent in us all as a species.

Genuine  esoteric  traditions  are  a  means  of  making  this  change  more  widely  available,  of consciously  altering, speeding-up,  the natural  process of  evolution. This process of change,  is not, however,  linear  it  is often of  the  "two  steps  forward,  one  (sometimes  two)  steps back".  And,  fur-thermore, it is finely balanced-it can easily turn into a regression.

Satanism understands the archetypal symbol of  ‘Satan’ as the archetype for positive evolu-tionary change. However, the present aeonic civilization, the Faustian or Promethean one (or, eso-terically, the Satanic one) has suffered a distortion of its ethos or Destiny. In the simple sense, the civilization has  become  ill  and  a  consequence of  this  is  that  its  Imperium  is  unlikely  -  that  is,  the evolutionary  change  which  that  Imperium  would  have provoked  is  unlikely  to  occur.  One  of  the most significant changes caused by the Imperium would have been the colonization of outer Space and thus the creation of entirely new societal structures.

The sickness of the civilization may be described, in simple terms, as a return to a restrictive dogmatic  view of  the  world  -  and  one  which  has  undermined  the  Destiny  of  the civilization.  One facet of this dogma is the Nazarene religion and those social and political forms which derive from it. Again expressed simply, this sickness undermines the vitality of the peoples of the civilization -turns  them  away  from  external  achievements  of  an  Imperium  type,  such  as  exploration  and  con-quest  of  new  environments,  and  instead  towards  themselves.  The  outer  world  is  forsaken  for  the problems of the inner.

Traditional  Satanism  regards  the  achievement of  a  Promethean  Imperium  as  a  step  toward achieving  the  ultimate  Satanic  goal.  After  that  Imperium,  not  one  but  many  other  civilizations would have arisen due to the expansion beyond the confines of the Earth. The ultimate goal would have perhaps been realizable within a millennia.

To achieve Imperium, there has to be within the majority of the peoples of the civilization, a sense of Destiny - they are vitalized by that Destiny. At this stage of our evolutionary development, the  majority  are  still in  thrall  to archetypal forms -  they  are  still  motivated unconsciously, still not totally aware. That is, they are still not whole, unique, individuals. They are part of the wyrd of the Aeon  and  thus  the  Destiny  of  the  civilization. This  is  the  reality.  Imperium  cannot  be  created  by words - by rationally convincing others; by simply believing in it. It is created by numinous action among the majority - by that majority being led by a charismatic minority, and in by individuals of charisma who believe they have a Destiny. In effect, these charismatic individuals embody the Des-tiny of the civilization itself. They embody the unconscious hopes and aspirations of the majority.

At this stage of evolutionary development, this Destiny must and can only be in its origins a racial one: derived from a sense of superiority, aninstinct. It cannot be derived from abstract ideas - they are dead, and while they may sway a few, they can never persuade the majority and enable that majority to excel and so create something far beyond themselves.

This  is  the  practical  Satanic  assessment.  To  create  Imperium  -  which  of  necessity  means countering the sickness of the civilization - it is necessary to give practical form to certain powerful instincts. It means using the peoples of the civilization as instruments for Aeonic change. It means returning them to what would have been the natural outcome of the civilization had not the majority of them  fallen prey  to the sickness.  In  brief, it means a resurgence of a sense of  racial superiority within Europeans  -  and  the creation of societies which embody  this belief.  It means  racial separa-tion in order to give a sense of Destiny and thus vitalize the majority.

This, however, is a tactic from the Satanic point of view - a means to achieve Satanic goals, via the Faustian/Western/Promethean/Satanic civilization. At this moment in time, only this civili-zation  with  its  technology,  is  capable  of  achieving  the  goal  of  colonization  of  outer  Space  -  this technology has to be vitalized by a sense of exploration among the majority.

Thus,  Satanism,  as  part  of  its  sinister  strategy,  may  encourage  those  forms/beliefs/groups and  so  on  which  express  this  type  of  Imperium.  For instance,  present-day  ‘extreme  Right  Wing movements’. In this, Satanists are being sinister - they are not expressing or supporting such views, as ‘racism’ for instance, because they believe them, but because they know those views may or will aid their Satanic goals, in particular by countering the Nazarene sickness of spirit.

Thus, one  thrust of  Satanic  action, in  the  real  world  that  is,  of what Satanic  Initiates do to presence the dark forces - at this present time is to aid the creation of such an Imperium and create world-wide  conditions  which  would  enable  its  aims  to  be  fulfilled  (e.g.  in  terms  of  strategic  alli-ances with other countries not part of the Imperium).

This Imperium, however, will not be a purely aggressive one which seeks the destruction of other, non-European, races. Rather, it would seek - once its own structures were secure to encour-age other races to  exist  and flourish  within  their own nations,  and then ultimately,  a  Federation of such nations (all of whom respected each other) to enhance the goal of Space exploration. That is, the world would be re-organized on the basis of strong, independent racial States - there might, for instance,  be  the  creation  of  a  Black  America,  occupying  part  of  what  is  now  the  USA.  This  re-organization is based on the realities which exist in the world now. It is a solution to the problems which if they are not solved in this way will ultimately lead to a severe evolutionary downturn.

Hence,  another  thrust  of  Satanic  action,  in  the  real  world  at  this  present  time  is  to  aid  the creation of such States based on race - e.g. they may be support for ‘Black Muslims’ who desire a separate nation in the USA and elsewhere. This  outline  of  global  Satanic  strategy  is  of  necessity  brief  and  somewhat  oversimplified. But it should enable the tactics that  are sometimes used  to be understood  in context. Of  necessity, these tactics are sinister - they may provoke or cause strife; possibly violence; perhaps death; some-times ‘law-breaking’. Often, the tactics are revolutionary. But they are all means, to achieve Satanic goals,  and  Satanists  using  them  -  or  influencing  others  to  use  them  -  know  what  they  are  doing. They  understand the  strategy,  the ultimate  goal,  and  by  so  acting  in  the  real  world  they  are being Satanic.

Genuine Satanism means this change in the real world; it means Satanists actually acting to achieve things. Perhaps  getting blood on their hands either directly  or indirectly.  Pseudo-Satanism means  fantasy: role-playing;  taking up ‘ethical’ positions one  actually believes in.  Genuine  Satanists are a-moral.

Satanism accepts the reality as it is - and then uses that reality to re-structure it,  to change it, in accord with its sinister aim. The reality of race, of instinct, is as it is - it can be used to achieve things.  Others  impose  projections  onto  the  world  - they  wish  and  need  to  believe  that  things  are other than they are: that individuals are other than they are. They are hopelessly idealistic, unblood-ied by the realities of the world. In short, they do not understand power. Satanists, on the contrary, know how it really is in the real world.

Thus, racism - whether White, Black or whatever - is a means, a tactic used by Satanists to achieve first a European Imperium and then what is beyond that Imperium - a Federation of strong, independent  countries  whose  goal  is  to  continue  the  Space colonization  that  the  Imperium  began. Thereafter,  there  is  a  new  Aeon,  in  reality,  and  a multitude  of  new  aeonic  civilizations  -  and  thus the  achievement  of  the  ultimate  Satanic  goal.  Of  course,  all  this  means  struggle,  conflict,  wars, deaths, upheavals, over decades and centuries. That is, the presencing of the dark forces to achieve something evolutionary.

The  reality  behind  these  tactics  is  Aeonics  -  which  is  a  means  of  rationally  understanding the seemingly complex processes of change from Aeons to civilizations to societies and thus to in-dividuals.  Aeonics  is  an  esoteric  knowledge,  and  one  which  is  increasing  as  new  insights  are gained.

Order of the Left Hand Path


By the Order of the Left Hand Path 

The Order of the Left Hand Path (OLHP) was founded in early 1990 by Faustus Scorpius. The OLHP was announced in the first issue of the magazine The Watcher, sometime between January and March 1990.
In context, the OLHP emerged towards the end of so-called Satanic Panic in the early 1990s where various groups and individuals were making claims of organised and widespread Satanic Ritual Abuse. Therefore, the Order of the Left Hand Path emerged as an adversary of those who claimed Satanists were involved in ritual abuse, and countered these claims by pointing out that Christian Child Abuse was occurring in various churches and religious organizations.
A quote from the stated aim published in The Watcher Issue #1 serves to illustrate the perspective the OLHP held on Satanism.

"Satan and The Watchers are thus symbols of rebellion against tyrannical god and moral concepts which stifle human ascent. We take our stand on the side of rebellion leading to liberation from slave religions, moralities and ideologies, the chief one being in the West at this time Judaeo-christianity, with Marxism and the Puritan money ethic (ideological liberalism) being excrescences of this heritage."
The first publication of the Order of the Left Hand Path was entitled Essays on Satanism and included various essays by Faustus Scorpius. By the next issue of The Watcher, in April 1990, the publications also included:
  • Anti-Christ: The Bible Reconsidered by Faustus Scorpius, a complete refutation of the Judaeo-Christian creed, using the Bible itself.
  • Might Is Right by Ragnar Redbeard (Arthur Desmond). Excerpts from a book published in 1896 that formed the basis of 'The Book of Satan' in Anton LaVey's The Satanic Bible.
  • Rites of Satan, a compilation from various sources that included A Black Mass, A Satanic Sex Rite, The Death ritual, and a rite of Self-Initiation.
At this point a correspondence course in Satanism was initiated under the auspices of the Collegium Satanas.



1. The OLHP is an elitist Satanic Order existing to:
(a) Develop and actualize the full potential and inner qualities of each individual initiate;
(b) Herald the dawn of human Self-godhood, within the context of a Faustian Civilization.


2. Leadership is vested in the Magister, who has ultimate responsibility for the functioning and philosophy of the Order.
3. The priesthood, collectively, forms the Magister's advisory council, and shall be known as the Council of the Illuminati.
4. Upon the resignation or death of the Magister, the Council shall elect one of its number to assume the position.
5. The Magister may be replaced at any time by a majority vote of the Council.


6. The basic organization unit of the OLHP is the 'Coven.'
7. At least three Adepts within a given area may apply to the Magister to form a Coven.
8. Should a Coven be sanctioned by the Magister, it shall be granted a Charter.
9. A Charter of a Coven may be revoked at any time by the Magister.
10. In circumstances where there is no local ordained Priest/ess to preside over a Coven, the Adepts may elect a Master/Mistress from among themselves, whose position is subject to approval of the Magister.
11. A specialized 'Order' within the OLHP may be established by a Priest/ess, subject to approval by the Magister.


12. There are three degrees within the OLHP, which are attained by completing the prescribed examinations, as determined by the Magister:
Neophyte I°, Adept II°, Priest/ess III°.
13. The Degrees may only be undertaken by those of at least 18 years of age.
14. Upon Recognition, a Neophyte has one year to apply for the examination of Adept.
15. Examination for the Priesthood is undertaken by Adepts at the invitation of the Magister.


16. Nobody under then age of 18 is permitted to be in attendance at function of the Order.
17. Every initiate is obliged to obey the laws of the land of his residence.
18. No 'blood sacrifice' of any type are permitted to be undertaken by any initiate.
19. No narcotics of any type are permitted at functions of the Order.
20. Alcoholic intoxication is not permitted at any function of the Order.
21. Nothing shall be undertaken at any function of the Order which transgresses the free-will of any individual present.
22. Initiates are expected to obey the instructions of their immediate superiors.
23. Complaints of breaches of conduct may be brought by any initiate against any other initiate, and filed with the Magister for deliberation.
24. A Priest/ess or Coven Master/Mistress may suspend any subordinate, subject to review by the Magister.
25. Misconduct, as deemed by the Magister, may result in suspension or expulsion from the Order.

Constitutional interpretation and amendments

26. The Magister shall have ultimate responsibility for the questions of interpretation of this Constitution.
Faustus Scorpius (Magister)
25 September 1991CE

By mid-1993 the OLHP began to be influenced by the writings of Tani Jantsang, and article by her appearing in The Heretic Issue #6. Tani Jantsang's writings had more of an Oriental influence, and a more Hermetic approach.

However, by early January 1994 the OLHP jettisoned the Oriental influence and was re-constituted as the Ordo Sinistra Vivendi (Order of the Sinister Way).

This following announcement was made in The Heretic Issue #7:
The OLHP has been reconstituted as the Ordo Sinistra Vivendi (Order of the Sinister Way). In so doing we have jettisoned the Oriental dogma that had come to dominate much of the OLHP's philosophy, which has no relevance to the realities of the present and future. Nor will we again allow ourselves to be subject to the influence of anyone on account of what traditions their friends and relatives belong to.
O.S.V. is getting back to the original principles the OLHP was founded on, a philosophy which had served us well, and which IS relevant to our times. We will not be hidebound by ANY DOGMA, but will adapt, create and adopt whatever serves our pursuit of the sinister dialectic.
An article entitled Sinistra Vivendi in the same issue outlined the OSV's conception of the Sinister Path:
The Sinister Way recognises the need to restore balance through opposition (heresy); to create through destruction.
The archetype of opposition to stasis and conformity best known in the West is Satan. It is from Hebrew word meaning "adversary and accuser." It is an archetype that exists probably in all cultures as a reflection of the universe itself.
In April 1994 it was announced the Magister Scorpius had retired from leading the OSV:
The founding Magister of the O.S.V./O.L.H.P. has retired in favour of H. Baynes, whose nomination went unopposed by the O.S.V. Priesthood Council. Magister Baynes is one of the early priests of the Order. He has many new ideas to invigorate it, and broaden the participation of members. He also plans new publications on esoteric practise, and an OSV journal.
The OSV's short lived journal was entitled Suspire and was primarily a creative outlet for members of the OSV, as opposed to the broad-perspective open-forum provided by The Heretic (and The Watcher before it).
In October 1994 several constitutional amendments where brought about by GM Baynes to broaden the scope of the OSV:
The Magister is now known as "Grand Master". The basic Order units are the Coven and the Temple.
The "Coven" remains the basic unit of the OSV, but "Temples" may be formed by an OSV Priest/ess who assumes the title of Magister Temple or Dominis Temple. Within the two levels of Priest/ess and Official Member are 7 Grades which are worked through on the aspirant's own cognizance: (1) Oblate, (2) Initiate, (3) Adept, (4) Priest/ess, (5) Magister Templi, (6) GM, (7) (WOLFS HOOK RUNE)
These changes were brought about by the influence of, and relationship with, the Order of Nine Angles, hence the adoption of the Septenary system (as evidenced by the 7 grades of the OSV listed above). While the ONA certainly influenced the development of the OSV philosophies there were certainly some differences.
One major difference was that the OSV promoted the use of drugs, including marijuana, opium, and mescaline.
The OSV's Aims and Organizational Structure was published in Suspire, Volume 1 Issue 4.
The Order's objectives are threefold: (I) to disseminate Traditional Satanism; (II) to hasten that which is drawing to its natural and proper conclusion; (III) to assist the social organism that will replace it. At this juncture, the West is in a decline due to the various ideologies that would create a homogenous society. The dominant hegemony seek a society enthralled by abstractions, either religious or economic; these ideologies promulgate meanings which have no basis in reality. The purveyors of this ideology will stop at nothing less than a tame and compliant society relieved of the joys of existence.
Ordo Sinistra Vivendi exists to presence the very forces which subvert this assumed consensus. The Order is a societal, and thus cosmic, nexus – returning the Dark Ones to Earth once more; and furthering the magickally cyclic forces of the macrocosm.
The Order is structured around seven grades:
The grade of Oblate is a novitiate position that signifies membership to the Order has not been finalized. At this level the professed Brother or Sister familiarize themselves with the Order's introductory texts.
An Initiate has full membership to the Order. They then begin to practice various 'occult' techniques which reveal the shadow-self.
The grade of External Adept is that of a magickally competent Initiate: and at this level, they should be conversant with the Order's esoteric doctrine as contained with Fyr Weges and various other Hermetick MSS.
The Internal Adept performs a more active role within the 'inner' Order; while becoming familiar with 'Forms', Aeonics, the Sinister Dialectic, and the relationship between them all.
Priests aid both the Order and the Sinister Dialectic: by adding to the Order's cannon and creating, via various media, Sinister Forms for dissemination within the 'public domain'. A Priesthood is by invitation of the Grand Master in recognition of the member's efforts on behalf of the Order and its goals.
The Grand Master, or Mistress, represents the organizational head of the Order and is responsible for the direction and development of the Order as a whole.
Aeturnus: Brothers and Sisters whose causal existence has ended.
Only the grades of Initiate and Priest are awarded by an Order official – all other grades are attained by the individual; there are no 'tokens' of achievement, only progress.
Any Order member may establish an Order Temple, and thus become Magister or Magistra Templi, with the object of (a) magickally manipulating a causal form; and (b) spreading the teachings of the Order. The Magister or Magistra Templi is the sole authority for the Temple and its members; only they can found, and administer or close the Temple.
The purpose of an Order Temple is to further The Sinister Dialectic, through the vehicle of Traditional Satanism: that is, the Tradition, as revealed by Ordo Sinistra Vivendi and its affiliated Orders. This means the Temple must practice the rites, and services, of the OSV, as prescribed by the various Order MSS.
There are no restrictions placed upon Order members – for this would be sham Satanism of a type unworthy of existence. Traditional Satanism is founded on a 'Master-Morality' from whence comes an individual ethos, an inherent morality, derived from personal experience and honour.
Ordo Sinistra Vivendi
New Moon IX 1996 ev

By mid-1996 various factors lead the OSV to once again rename itself. This time the death of the Ordo Sinistra Vivendi saw the emergence of the Order of the Deorc Fyre (ODF – Order of the Dark Fire).

Soon after this an alliance between the Order of the Deorc Fyre, the Order of the Nine Angles, and The Black Order, formally acknowledged as a Black Axis. This alliance was an act of defiance against predominantly American Left Hand Path groups (such as the Temple of Set, and the Church of Satan) who were attempting to make Satanism "acceptable". The Temple of Set had forbidden their member from any involvement with the Order of Nine Angles due to the latter's advocating human sacrifice.

The ODF withdrew from the public in late 1997.

Sinistra Vivendi


By Ordo Sinistra Vivendi (1994)

The conceptions of the Left Hand and Right Hand paths within Western occultism are based on misunderstanding. This arises from the West’s incorporation into its collective unconscious of the Zoroastrian/Judaeo-Christian belief in moral dualism: two opposing forces of good and evil.
This dualism has created a split not only in the collective unconscious of the West, but within the individual. The pagan cultures were not encumbered with this dualism: they lived attuned to nature as totality.

Western occultists have dualized the Left Hand and Right Hand paths, making the former representative of evil (in the moral sense) and the latter representative of humanity as “good and spiritual.” The original meanings of the two paths are:

Left Hand Path: Anima/Yin, the feminine principle in the universe, intuitive, receptive, dark.

Right Hand Path: Animus/Yang, the male principle, logic, active, light. As they are symbolic of how nature operates they are not moral dualities, but interacting polarities. When nature, the individual, or the collective unconscious of a culture incorporate both the anima and animus as a totality rather than as conflicting opposites, there is balance.

In the East, Taoism illustrated this interaction by the Yin/Yang symbol ☯ which shows each containing the seed of its polarity. Jung adopted this concept of anima and animus into his analytical psychology. The aim is to unite the polarities within the individual rather than repressing one, to create a whole being, a balanced person: this is called individuation and is comparable to the
occultist’s aim of Adeptship.

The Gnostics had a deity which unified the polarities within itself. Jung wrote of this deity Abraxas, thus:

“Abraxas is the sun, and at the same time the eternally sucking gorge of the void... The power of Abraxas is two-fold; but ye see it not, because for your eyes the warring opposites of this power are extinguished. What the sun-god speaketh is life. What the devil speaketh is death. But Abraxas
speaketh that hallowed and accursed word which is life and death at the same time. Abraxas begetteth truth and lying, good and evil, light and darkness, in the same word and in the same act. Wherefore Abraxas is terrible. It is splendid as the lion in the same instant it striketh down its victim. It is beautiful as a day in spring. It is the abundance which seeks a union with emptiness. It is love and love’s murder. It is the saint and his betrayer. It is the brightest light of day, and the darkest of madness.

God dwelleth behind the sun, the devil behind the night. What god bringeth forth out of the light the devil sucketh into the night. But Abraxas is the world, its becoming and its passing. Upon every gift that cometh from the sun-god the devil layeth his curse. Everything that yea entreat from the sun-god begetteth a deed from the devil. Everything that ye create with the sun-god, giveth effective power to the devil. That is terrible Abraxas. It is the delight of the earth, and the cruelty of the heavens.
Before it there is no question and no reply.”

The Sinister Way recognises the need to restore balance through opposition (heresy); to create through destruction. The archetype of opposition to stasis and conformity best known in the West is
Satan. It is from Hebrew word meaning “adversary and accuser.” It is an archetype that exists probably in all cultures as a reflection of the universe itself. The universe is in a constant state of flux. So far from it being an orderly, predictable ‘cosmos’, it functions chaotically. This is the basis of evolution; what physics calls entropy. It is symbolized in many cultures throughout the
world by the world serpent eating its own tail. It is the All-Creator and the All-Destroyer.

The Tantrics in the East express this entropic idea in the goddess Kali. She is the energizing force of the universe. The god Shiva represents the cosmos. Tantra states: “Shiva without Shakti (Kali) is a corpse.” In the Germanic cosmology Loki, Fenrir, Surt, Garm and the World Serpent are the entropic forces which destroy the old order at the battle of Ragnarok. The cataclysm results in a new pantheon, a new earth and a new humanity. Thus the sinister forces are the catalyst for change, without which there would be stasis and death.

The poet William Blake wrote:
“Without contraries there would be no progression. Attraction and repulsion, reason and energy, love and hate, are necessary to human existence. From these contraries spring what the religious call good and evil. Good is the passive that obeys reason. Evil is the active springing from energy.”[1]

The philosopher Paul Carus stated it this way:
“Satan produces unrest in society, which in spite of many inconveniences, makes the world move onward and forward. He is the patron of progress, investigation and invention. Galileo and other men of science were regarded as his offspring and persecuted on his account by the Church. The devil is the father of all misunderstood geniuses. It is he who begets originality of thought and deed. He is the spirit of discontent that embitters our hearts, but in the end often leads to a better arrangement of affairs.”[2]

Sinister from Latin translates as “on the left”. It was regarded as symbolizing that which goes against the norm, the conventional. The O.L.H.P. uses the expression “on the left” to indicate the recognition of entropy as the energizing factor in the universe, as opposed to stasis, while incorporating both the Left and Right Hand path - anima and animus - within that context. The Sinister way is that which sets itself in opposition to the stagnant, and the decay that results. It favours that which renews and revitalizes. It is the accuser of that which stifles evolution through moral, religious and political dogma. In a word, it is: heresy.

The symbol of the O.S.V. is the two-points up pentagram containing the head of a goat, surrounded
by the self-devouring world serpent. This pentagram containing the goat represents the carnality of humankind: Man as animal, as a part of nature, subject to its laws, rather than separated from
nature as the spiritual religions believe. The goat itself is an apt symbol, a creature which is individualistic rather than herd-like. Even the Christians use it to symbolize the parting of humanity with the flock of Christian sheep separated on the right, and the non-conformist goats on the left. It is also symbolic of the Greek god Pan, the All-Destroyer, All-Creator, half-man, half-goat god.

Anti-nature dogmas such as Judaeo-Christianity state that man is separate from nature. Satanism holds that man is part of nature, an animal whose motivations are genetically based as are all animals. This, the modern sciences of genetics, ethology and sociobiology verify. The instinct is still paramount, whatever level of man’s rationality and however hard he may try to over-ride his instinctual drives through religion, etc. The intellect is a subordinate tool of the instinct, which is inherited and primal. At the base of human nature is still the limbic brain, the most primitive part of the cerebral organ, which may be called the ‘serpent brain’. It is the limbic which modern science affirms is responsible for the choices an individual makes. Thus the Satanic conception of human
behaviour are predominantly genetically-based. Therefore the individual can be no more than what he is genetically-endowed with. However, he can be less than his genetic potential if repressed by influences which are not in accord with his true nature (True Will or Higher Self), by religious dogmas for example. The result is neurosis or worse.

Satanism unfolds the real nature - Will - of the individual; what the ancient Greeks called physis, and what the satanic philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche called Self-Overcoming.

The Satanist frees himself from the bondage of dogma; he unfolds that which he IS. Man the animal, with the Life-force flowing freely through him, is the antithesis of the self-destructive nihilist pseudo-satanists claim themselves to be, as rationalization for their own inherent weaknesses. What animal consumes drugs and alcohol to the point of self-destruction? What animal deliberately poisons itself? Only man does this, with his so-called ‘higher consciousness’, over-riding the healthy instinct of his animal self. What is evil? That which weakens. What is good? That which strengthens, the
individual, to paraphrase Nietzsch

What of the Satanist’s code of conduct? To hear the pseudo-satanists one would say, the Satanist has no code of conduct other than to do whatever one likes, regardless of consequences; i.e. sociopathology. We say, on the contrary, the Satanist has a personal code of honour, arising from inward conviction. Again, at the base is the instinct - genetics. A recidivist will always remain criminal no matter what ‘rehabilitation’ efforts are made to change his inner nature. The dullard will always remain unintelligent despite the money that could be lavished on his ‘education’. An inwardly honourable person will react to a situation on the basis of his instinct. The Satanist does not need the fear of God, the worry of rewards and punishments dispensed by a deity to act honourably; his conduct is governed from within, not from without.

* * *
1. Blake, W. The Marriage of Heaven & Hell.
2. Carus, P. The History of the Devil & the Idea of Evil. Open Court Publishing,
USA, 1974.

The God of Darkness

(In Theory & Formula)

By Dean J. Adams
The primary objective of the Vitki initiate of the Odian Path (Thorsson, 1987) is union with the massive god of titanic power and spiritual vitality. This union is actualized by undergoing a systematic and rigorous training in self-discipline (so that a wholly new way of living is realized), a sharpening of the psychic faculties, and the induction into secret knowledge by the All-Father, the dark god Odin.

The methods for success elucidated by advanced practitioners to achieve unity with Odin are as varied and personal as the Vitki initiates who arrange the runes and activate the formulas of the god. But by whatever means may be used to attain initiation, the crepuscular path of Odin is, though one of expediency, fraught with danger. The aspiring Vitki initiate who by natural inclination seeks only what is known and proven safe is deficient in the requisite strength and spirit for success and is no more worthy of union with All-Father than a willing thrall. The danger is present when the aspirant attempts, often repeatedly, fusion of the light of limited personal consciousness with the darkness of unlimited Odinic Unconsciousness to reach transcendent awakening. This transcendent awakening can be described as an unlimited awareness and is effected either by magical ecstasy, trance (magnetic sleep), or unexpected and severe shock to the aspiring candidate, hence, the path’s danger.
How is this possible? Edred Thorsson, in his book on esoteric runeology entitled Runelore, informs his readers that each person who is a descendent of Odin may gain access to his wisdom, power, and spirituality, all precursors to perfection of union with All-Father, by enthusiastic ritual action in highly charged ceremonies (Thorsson, 1987, Adams, 2009). Another, less strenuous, method for accessing the dimension of Odin is the inspired reading (i.e., internalizing). When a Vitki initiate repeatedly recites (“invoke often”) a passage from the Edda, the Runesong of the Havamal, for example, a psychic connection is made with every person who has ever read the same stanzas. This string of connection, this silver chain of built-up spiritual inspiration, acts as a font of psychic energy charging the auric atmosphere of the practitioner. By internalizing the passage, or even the name of the god itself, will activate the same spiritual state that the inspired poet was in when laying the poems down for posterity. This allows access to the dimension of Odin. The Runesong of the Havamal is perhaps the single most potent magical formula for the conveyance over the Bifrost bridge of waking consciousness to higher consciousness and beyond to Unconsciousness wherein lies the unconditioned powers of all-potential. The degrees of awakening attainable to the aspirant is commensurate with the progress made in the CROSSING. The remainder of this piece will be devoted to covering some of the ideas and evidences behind the crossing over to the darkside of the World Tree Yggdrasil.

The noumenal basis of the creative forces (the gods through their goddesses) of the lightside or manifest side of the World Tree Yggdrasil is the All-Father Odin. Odin is the potent interface of the two dimensions, those of spacetime and Non-Being beyond it. This logoic deity is paradoxically one of the darkest figures gracing the poems and sagas of the ancient Nordic peoples. The deeper one penetrates the fathomless pool of the god the darker it becomes. Odin’s dark aspect should not be understood as evil in the Christian sense of the word (the aspirant of the Odian Path must first and foremost abandon conventional morality and liberate self as much as is possible from the Christian old-line paradigm), though it is true that he is by no means beyond exhibiting antinomian behavior better suited to a trickster giant like Loki whose primary function in the worlds of the gods is stirring up strife and creating hardships for them to overcome, a contribution that keeps them awake and progressing, in the sense of spiritual evolution, against the ever-present tug of entropy. The dimension to which Odin gives accessibilty, called Ginnungagap, is thought dark because, like the god himself, it is hidden and unknown (to many). The dimensional substratum of all existence on this side of the World Tree, be it spiritual and dynamic or material and fixed, in many metaphysical systems is explained to be Absolute Consciousness, the One Realty. In the Edda, this ambit of magically charged supersensuous substance, symbolized by the steed Sleipnir, is as previously mentioned, Ginnungagap; and from the point of view of ego¬centric consciousness is unconscious. This is the silent dimension in which Odin self-generated. Wagner, in Asgard and the Gods, says of Ginnungagap and the self-generated god:

“In the beginning there was a great abyss [Chaos] , neither day nor night existed. The abyss was Ginnungagap, the yawning gulf without beginning, without end. All-Father, the Uncreated, the Unseen, dwelt in the depth of the Abyss [Space], and willed, and what he willed came into being. (Wagner, 1887)

Expounding on this, HP Blavatsky writes,

“This was when darkness still reigned throughout Space, when the Aesir, the creative Powers (Dhyani-Chohans) were not evolved, and the Ygqdrasil, the tree of the Universe of Time and of Life, had not yet grown…” (Blavatsky, 1888)

All-Father Odin is eternally present. In this context, the Yawning Gulf Ginnungagap, the infinite expanse, is comparable to the Great Mother of other traditions such as the Brahman Vedas, which make of it the ever virginal Matrix through which All-Father, in this regard the fixed creative principle, the Unmoved Mover (Aristotle, 2007), by dint of self-effort, willed himself into being as the numenal source of the dual powers emanating by and through the World Tree. The carrier of Odin’s Radiant Powers is his steed Sleipnir, the organizer of substance and form to cosmos, the body of the god. The Great Ordeal on Yggdrasil by which Odin was able to peer down into the black depths of its roots and roar up (goetia?) the transcendent powers of the runes “…established a traditional framework for the exploration and emulation [see “enthusiastic ritual action” above] of the Odhinic archetype…Odhinn, the runes, and humanity form a matrix in which the conscious/unconscious and existence/nonexistence meet…The figure of Odhinn, like those of the runestaves stands at the inner door of our conscious/unconscious borderland. Odhinn is the communicator to the conscious of the contents of the unconscious and supraconscious and he/it fills the “‘space'” of all these functions.” (Thorsson, 1987)

Odin’s capacity, as the initiatory catalyst of transfinite awakening, is a central one. The Great Ordeal on the tree of crossing (over to Non- Being) forms a channel from the boundless depths of Unconsciousness to the Consciousness underlying the Universe, the manifest side of Yggdrasil, and the individual mind of the Vitki aspirant. Frontier science is beginning to intimate the existence of this numenal substratum out of which arises the phenomena of life, light, spacetime, and is formulating some sense of it:

“…[M]ore and more scientists are coming to the conclusion that the level of quanta and of spacetime itself, is not the ultimate level in the universe. There is also a level below quanta and spacetime, a level from which spacetime and the quanta that populate it have emerged.” (Laszlo, 2008)

The Zero Point Field of particle physics, wherein reside subatomic particles superimposed on each other (existing in two states simultaneously) swimming in a sea of radiant quanta, is now found to be an emergent property of a more ubiquitous dimension of Non-Being (Non-Being because beyond spacetime). Scientists may utilize special instrumentation to permit them access to or, at the very least, a glimpse of this realm of Absolute Consciousness, the Vitki initiate need only employ the well developed and trained psychic faculties to achieve the same ends. The passage point of entrance to this dimension lies through the Vishuddha chakra at the throat (the center of transformation) of the crucified man on the sacrificial cross. The idea of Odin crucified on the “Gallows” (Yggdrasil) being, through the process of diffusion, the Nordic version of the myth of Jesus on the cross, is not a tenable one. Admittedly the similarities shared in the two sacrificial Ordeals are striking: Both entities are thought to be gods by their devotees, both are said to hang on a tree or cross (in symbolism, the tree and the cross are synonymous), Odin is pierced with a spear, as is the Christ, neither Odin nor Jesus is given food or drink, into the darkness of an underworld the two descend, and, perhaps the most significantly, each was a sacrifice of self to Self. It can not be over emphasized the shamanic undertones of Odin’s Great Ordeal. Indeed many dismiss the diffusion hypothesis for this fact alone. Of interest is the time of possible diffusion of the Christ on the cross myth from the Orient to Europe. It would have had to occur during the conversion period, c.1000, because the campaigns into Britain and earlier of Northern Europe by the Romans did not carry with them the crucified man on a cross. This is because for the first six centuries, Church iconography of its savior did not include a man fastened to a cross. The symbol used by the Church was a simple cross without the depiction of a man on it. (Blavatsky, 1888) In fact, the earliest symbol of Jesus was not a cross at all, but the Piscean fish. The telling of a god on a Celestial or Mundane Cross of Initiation is a universal one. Simek, in Dictionary of Northern Mythology, feels that if Odin’s Ordeal is not a universal one, Indo- European concepts were mingled together in the concepts of the World Tree Yggdrasil. (Simek, 1993)

The tree and the cross are identical. Both Adepts of the Right- and Left-Hand Paths were called Trees long before the cults of the carnal Christ degraded the symbol to mere phallicism. Odin All-Father crucified on the Tree/Cross of Initiation is the archetypal Man and Grand Initiator. He is Ofner (“Opener”) and Svafner (“Closer”) of the Way of the Tree (i.e., initiation) and carries the appellation “The Maligned” (Ropt) by the one-victors who fail to meet the spiritual requirements exemplified in Odin, refused initiation and were turned away by him. (Adams, 2007) Odin’s Ordeal on Yggdrasil opened the way for the Vitki aspirant, who is Yggdrasil/Odin writ small, to enter the plane of spiritual transformation inaugurated by his sacrifice. Odin’s Ordeal should be memorized, preferably in Icelandic, so to incise its psychic power on the plastic universe within the personal subconscious mind. The Ordeal:

I ween that I hung on the windy tree,
Hung there for nights full nine;
With the spear I was wounded, and offered I was To Odin, myself to myself,
On the tree that none may ever know What root beneath it runs.
None made me happy with loaf or horn,
And there below I looked;
I took up the runes, shrieking I took them,
And forthwith back I fell.
(Hovamol, Bellows, 1936)

It is the “Ninth Night” on the Tree of Crossing that the initiatory darkness of the Unconsciousness opened and Odin, by the “magical runic force” – the Need Rune – roared up the magical energies responsible for his transformation. (Shou, 2004)

With theory and some formula expounded, the Vitki aspirant may feel the Need to pursue the Odian Path and will want effective exercises.

One method for opening the gate to the Unconsciousness is astral projection. Much has been written about astral projection and the astral world. A plethora of exercises purporting to give one access to the astral Plane (wherein the personal consciousness moves in the active imagination) are published and available at the nearest Occult New Age store. The greater the complexity of the exercise to free the hamr from the physical body is offered, the louder its efficacity is touted. This is by design! The motive being an obvious one – to sell books to the credulous dilettante. Astral projection can be a difficult practice for those whose constitution is not naturally a loose one. However, with perseverance and some, if necessary, preparatory exercises (e.g., a few days of total abstinence from food, imbibing water only; deprivation of sleep, hyperventilation, etc.), the projection of the hamr is possible.

The hamr is the sensuous body of the spirit (consciousness) and is an exact model of the physical body in both form and size. The hamr is what is used to join with Odin (higher consciousness) hanging on Yggdrasil just before the FALL. The practical formula is as follows: Prepare the atmosphere wherein the work will be done by lighting blue candles. This is for aesthetics just before you close your eyes and begin. Light incense. The ideal incense is a fragrance which gives the sensation of easiness and lightness of the body and feelings. This will be a personal choice. Once these preparatory exercises are ready, sit down and simply take in the atmosphere for a few minutes then lie down on a comfortable couch or padded floor (the lights should be out, but this is not necessary). Begin by totally relaxing the entire body, working from the feet on up to the arms, neck and head. It is sometimes effective to contract the muscle where focus is on and then release it. Take however long is needed to get into a relaxed state. Once relaxed, focus attention on the hamr within the body; feel it begin to vibrate within and expand to encompass the physical body. Extend it upwards and out. A feeling of fear and/or excitement may be felt at this point in the exercise; it should not be permitted to distract the Vitki aspirant’s concentration from the objective. Should focus brake, a sudden jolt will occur and the hamr pulled back into its corporeal body. Once the hamr has risen from the physical shell, visualize it taking the shape and appearance of Odin, with his one eye and hat, etc. When complete separation occurs, turn and face the astral Hof (for construction of the astral Hof, see below) and float through its entrance and to the far end where a dais is positioned between two totems. Erected in the center of the dais is the World Tree. See it in full radiant color and swaying slightly in a magical breeze. Odin hangs on the tree bidding approach. Go to him on the dais, turn around and peer outside. The back should be toward Odin and about three feet away. See the sunlight illuminating the doorway and then pass away, replaced by the darkness. Repeat this cycle of light/darkness for eight consecutive turns. On the ninth turn (the number nine symbolizes initiation because it draws full circle) of darkness, in one swift movement fall backwards and into the hanging god merging with him. Then both fall as one through the crux of the cross/tree which is aligned with the Vishuddha chakra at the throat area. Success is measured in the degree and in the length of time the Vitki initiate spends immersed in this dimension of pure illumination. A personal note: I have not been able to maintain a lengthy stay in this incredible and indescribable realm beyond a mere second. The moment I fall through, I get a fleeting glimpse of my hamr still on the cross with All-Father (apparently, my consciousness as Odin — is all that passes through the portal) then a flash of brilliant light fills me with euphoria (this hardly describes the feeling) and I immediately wake up, often disoriented.

It may assist the Vitki initiate to meditate for however long it may take (months, perhaps) to build the magical Hof in the subconsciousness. While meditating, with as much clarity and detail as possible, imagine the interior of the sacred Hof, with every magical instrument used by the Vitki. The Hof should look similar to the one described above or it can be a replica of the actual Hof used by the Vitki initiate. Imagine walking through the entrance and observing the surrounding with everything in it. The smell of the sacred area should also be discernable. Do this exercise as often as possible; it will forge a magnetic link with the Vitki initiate and the astral Hof.

Adams, Dean J. [2009] Private communication with Edred Thorsson [2009] I am grateful to Mr. Thorsson for the inspirational phrase: “Enthusiasm for work”. ENTHUSIASM has evolved into my WORD.
Adams, Dean J. [2007] Article, Odhinn, The Logos and Yggdrasil (Published in Vor Tru, Arizona, 2007)
Aristotle [2007] See article by D.J. Adams, Odhinn, The Logos, and Yggdrasil (Published in Vor Tru, Arizona, 2007)
Bellows, Henry Adams [1936] The Poetic Edda (New York: Princeton University Press 1936)
Blavatsky, Helena P. [1888] The Secret Doctrine Vol. I (Illinois: Quest Books, 1993)
Laszlo, Ervin [2008] Quantum Shift in the Global Brain (Vermont: Inner Traditions, 2009)
Shou, Peryt [2004] The Edda as Key to Coming Age (Texas: Runa-Raven Press, 2004)
Simek, Ruldof [1993] Dictionary of Northern Mythology, Trans. By Hall, Angela (New York: D.S. Brewer, 1993)
Thorsson, Edred [1987] Runelore (San Francisco California: Weiser, 1987)
Wagner, W. [1887] Asgard and the Gods, as quoted in the Secret Doctrine Vol.I by H.P. Blavatsky, 1888 (Illinois: Quest Books, 1993)
Author’s Note: I am also indebted to Kenneth Grant and his Typhonian Trilogies for my understanding of the formula and implications of the CROSSING.

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